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Color of SOR

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:04 am
by Jeff Swart
Good day,
This is related to my previous post. Thanks for the SOR code, which I implemented. Works nicely, except for 2 points.


Seems the color of the Hub does not match that of the tooth. Any suggestion ? (code appears below).
Coordinates of the ElSet. From you example, the coordinates are basically a set of (Z, Radius). However, as in the picture just above, some teeth are really twisted and the match of the tooth to the SOR Hub is not quite good. What would be nice would be to use 3D coordinates rather than 2D, i.e. (Z, Y, X).

When I do this the hub really changes shape. Probably not much I can do because the Linestrip follows the tooth, but then maybe do you have a suggestion ?

Code to create a SOR

Code: Select all

   ' Create new Surface Of Revolution Object
   Function CreateSOR(ByRef IDesWin    As Int32,   _
	              ByRef NPts       As Int32,   _
	              IsClosed         As Boolean, _
	              ByRef V1()       As Double,  _
	              ByRef V2()       As Double,  _
	              ByRef V3()       As Double) As ISection

        Dim Ii             As Int32

        Dim iModel         As IModel               = ChildWindow(IDesWin).AxKCad.GetModel()
        Dim iGenerator     As IDIObjGenerator      = iModel
        Dim iSorGenerator  As ISORSectionGenerator = iGenerator.Create(EObjectType.eObjTypeSORGenerator)

        ' Some initial structure. Can be changed later
        ' # Segments; Closed or not; type; etc.
        Dim iSORinfo       As DISectInfo           = New DISectInfo
        iSORinfo.closed        = True
        iSORinfo.segments      = NPts - 1
        iSORinfo.radius        = 20.0
        iSORinfo.segmentType   = ESegmentType.eSegmTypeLine
        iSORinfo.regularJoints = False

        ' Create the Section based on the info given
        Dim iSection       As ISection = iSorGenerator.Create(iSORinfo)

        ' Add the Section to the Model
        Dim iArray         As IArray   = iModel

        ' Define the strip segment for the SOR
        Dim iStrip         As IStrip   = iSection
        Dim iEl            As IElement 
        Dim IsXYZ          As Boolean  = False        ' True 

        ' Set the points in the SOR Strip
        For Ii = 1 To NPts
           IEl = iStrip.GetElement(Ii-1, False)

           ' Coordinates given as (X, Y, Z)
           If IsXYZ Then 
              iEl.SetParam(2,  V1(Ii))                           ' X
              iEl.SetParam(1,  V2(Ii))                           ' Y
              iEl.SetParam(0,  V3(Ii))                           ' Z

            ' Coordinates given as (Z, Radius)
              iEl.SetParam(0, V3(Ii))                            ' Z
              iEl.SetParam(1, Math.Sqrt(V1(Ii)^2 + V2(Ii)^2))    ' Radius
            End If

        Return iSection 
     End Function
Code where SOR is called, located and colored

Code: Select all

         '       Creation SOR
         Dim iSection As ISection = CreateSOR(IDesWin, NPts, True, V1, V2, V3)

         ' Put it in position
         Call KCiSectionTransform(iSection, Gen, AngRot)

         ' Give it Color
         Call SetKCiSectionColor(iSection, IColor)

         ' Update Surface
Code where iSection is given color

Code: Select all

   Sub SetKCiSectionColor(ByRef iSection      As ISection, _
                          ByRef IColDes       As Int32) 

      Dim IRed, IGreen, IBlue As Int32
      Dim Red,  Green,  Blue  As Decimal
      Dim IMatl               As IMaterial =  iSection

      Call GetRgbFt(IColDes, IRed, IGreen, IBlue)

      Red   = IRed   / 255
      Green = IGreen / 255
      Blue  = IBlue  / 255

      IMatl.SetColor(0, Red, Green, Blue)
      IMatl.SetColor(1, Red, Green, Blue)

   End Sub
Thanks, Jeff

Re: Color of SOR

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:22 pm
by nickz
Hi Jeff
Most likely it is problem with normals. It happens all the time. (Turn it on in the context menu of the control window to check). Most likely they are internal (not good). In the case you need to reverse the strip