64 vs 32 bit

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64 vs 32 bit

Post by Ibi »

I am still using 32 bit 4.2 version. I wander if it is advisable to move to 64 bit (if it is out yet?). I would like to install 64 bit only if it is stable.
Kind regards

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Re: 64 vs 32 bit

Post by nickz »

Hi Ibi
V4.3 is good and stable. It is better than 4.2. There were many bug fixes and new interesting functionality like transparent background, smart labels, convenient interface additions, etc. We did also more work on improving redistribution there. KC is registered without loading. There is also a redistributable merge module, which you could just plug in into your setup and forget about copying files.
I recommend staying with 32 bit for now. 64 bit is working, but there are some issues on margins: For example Visual Studio 2012 cannot not import type libraries with .NET earlier than 4.0. This is mostly because Microsoft still does not have a x64 Visual Studio and not announced yet in the future.
So I think you need a good reason to go to 64 bit. We did it because some customers demanded it. There is no difference in functionality and no limitations in 32 bit edition at the moment
In few years time MS might release 64 bit VS and everything will be completely smooth

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