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Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:47 am
by Peter Karsten
Is there a way to group entities in v6.1?

Re: Grouping

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:43 am
by Prashant Kande
Hi Peter

There are no group notion per se. DGK is using an empty entity to group its children. Empty means without a geometry. IEntity_DG.GetGeometry() returns null in the case. These come, for an example, from IModel_DG.AddNewEntity(). It can also have a non-null but empty geometry. Like a mesh without any simplices.

It does not really have to be empty. So, you could also group by making one object the parent of the others.

To do it a runtime in model explorer (right-click menu) make the group object current and use select and Action>Add to Cur menu command.

We are planning to add a "group" object to "new standard object" option in model explorer soon. Thanks for reminding
