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Straight line as ICurve_DG

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 5:59 am
by Joel_20
Hello guys
I am a newbie.
I need to make an edge IEdge_Dg straight. I see there is a SetCurve method, so the main question I have is how do I construct a straight line, which is actually a ICurve_DG?
Anything else I need to know to modify the edge?
Thanks heaps

Re: Straight line as ICurve_DG

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:47 am
by Daniel Laajava
Try this:

Code: Select all

 IModel_DG iModel;
 IObjectGenerator_DG gtr = iModel as IObjectGenerator_DG;
 ILine_DG line = gtr.Create("Line_DG") as ILine_DG;

 // Define the line like
 LineDg lineDg = new LineDg(1, 0, 0,  0, 0, 1);            //Position and direction. See C# examples for  LineDg. 

// Query the curve
ICurve_DG curv = line as ICurve_DG;
The line must contain vertices of the edge up to a tolerance. Normally you determine the vertex positions first and then define the line using line.Init1(pt0, pt1);