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Curve on face intersection segments

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:21 am
by Mellow Tim
I have noticed that IUVSurface_DG does nearly what I want, but it does it for a curve and a surface, I need the intersection segments between a face and a curve. I know that the curve lies wholly on the face.
Please help

Re: Curve on face intersection segments

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:45 am
by Prashant Kande

You need to work in the 2d trimmed rectangle of uv parameters domain. Pcurves for each edge define a curved polygon in uv space.
ICurve2d_DG IUVSurface_DG.GetCurveUVProjection(ICurve_DG curve) will return 2d representation of your curve in the same uv space.

So you problem is reduced to calculating ranges of your curve which are inside of the curved polygon of pcurves. This can be done using ICurve2d_DG.GetIntersection*() methods.

This is a bit of manual work unfortunately. We are planning (high priority) to make it much nicer in future versions.
