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IKO_BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism Interface

Creates a linearly extruded bspline surface or solid from vertices, edges, wires or faces. Vertices generate Edges. Edges generate Faces. Wires generate Shells. Faces generate Solids. S must not contain solids

See Modeling Curves for an example

Use IKO_BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections to make more complicated extrusions

HRESULT FromShape(IKO_TopoDS_Shape* S, DIVect* V, VARIANT_BOOL copy, VARIANT_BOOL canonize, IKO_TopoDS_Shape** shapeCreated)


S -[in] The wire, edge or vertex to extrude

V-[in] Extrusion vector

copy -[in] Make a copy of S instead of referencing for construction of the extruded shape

canonize -[in] Attempt to use simplified shape types to construct the result


Creates and extruded surface where S is the bottom and the top is S offset by vector V

HRESULT FromShapeInf(IKO_TopoDS_Shape* S, DIVect* Dir, VARIANT_BOOL infinite, VARIANT_BOOL copy, VARIANT_BOOL canonize, IKO_TopoDS_Shape** shapeCreated)


S -[in] The wire, edge or vertex to extrude

Dir -[in] Direction of extrusion

infinite -[in] If false the resulting shape will be semiinfinite in the direction Dir

copy -[in] Make a copy of S instead of referencing for construction of the extruded shape

canonize -[in] Attempt to use simplified shape types to construct the result


Creates (semi) infinite extrusion of S in the direction of Dir