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2D Scene Items

2D Scene items represent an isolated linked 2D obeject. Currently 2D Scene items are only line strips. They implement IStrip and IStripTopol interfaces.

See the overlays topic about creating and editing 2D scene items at runtime in Direct User Access mode.

To access a 2D item call IModel_KC.GetItem() to obtain IItem of the object. Query IStrip and IStripTopol from the IItem.

Use IStrip.GetElement(i, False) to access i-th point of the segment strip. Use IElement.GetParam(k) to obtain k-th coordinate of the point. k is expected to be 0 for x or 1 for y. Similarily, use IElement.SetParam(k, val) to modify the coordinate.

Use IStripTopol.Add() to add new points to the strip. Use IStripTopol.Break() to insert a new point. Use IStripTopol.Add() to delete segment or point

See also: Overlay sample