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What is new in version 6.1

Renderer has been upgraded to DirectX 11.

Text (strings, labels, etc.) is rendered with full hardware acceleration.

Angle measurements have been re-implemented.

Overlays have been re-implemented.

IMetrics.GetPointLocation() has been implemented for BRep solids.

Toggling transient/persistent measurement style can be done with m+s key shortcut. More.

Fixup normals operation has been added to menu of MeshOps sample. The sample and the operation can be used as a utility for fixing faceted mesh problems.

Support for infinite dynamic style of Measurement Grid has been removed. Re-implementation of 3D background style has been postponed.

New Core Context allows adjusting deviation for automatic BRep to Mesh conversions. Details.

New or revised samples

Sample Functionality
Spline Mods Programming interactive modifications of a spline curves
Label 3D Text
LabelEx Advanced properties of 3D Labels
Smart Labels Automatically positioned non-overlapping 3D text
Overlay Direct access and programming of overlays

Features of KernelCAD unsupported in DG Kernel 6.1

Priority Features
ASAP ITechnology_DG and Bridge samples, 3D Debugger, Symmetries, User Data
Later Transparent Background, Dual mode, 2D View mode, Printing, eXplorer demo, Cannon sample, Planar Boolean Ops, Patchwork sample, Left-Hand Coordinate Axes, Secure models. 3D background style of Measurement Grid
On Request Line on mesh operation, Cut mesh operation, Direct User Access Sample, Startup Settings File, KCBRep Geometry, Embedded models. Dynamic style of Measurement Grid