IStdShape_DG Interface
- Cylinder
- Disk
- Sphere
- Box
- Torus
- Triangle
- Rectangle
- Polygon
- Line
- LineInf
- Circle
- Arc
- Ellipse
InteInterface for creation of basic shapes. Use IModel_DG.AddEntity() or IEntity_DG.AddChild() to add the the returned IEntity_DG interface to model of a view for it to appear in the 3D scene
IStdShape_DG can be obtained:
Queried from IModel_DG. Typical query: dgControl.GetModel() > IStdShape_DG.
Created using a IObjectGenerator_DG.Create("StdShape_DG") call. Typical query: new KcApiComProxyClass() > IObjectGenerator_DG > IObjectGenerator_DG.Create("StdShape_DG") > IStdShape_DG.
IEntity_DG Cylinder(double baseRadius, double topRadius, double height)
Axis of the cylinder will coinside with the global Z axis
IEntity_DG Disk(double innerRadius, double outerRadius)
A disk at the global x,y plane
IEntity_DG Sphere(double radius)
IEntity_DG Box(double width, double height, double length)
A box [0, width]x[0, height]x[0, length]
IEntity_DG Torus(double radius, double radiusTube)
Axis of the torus will coinside with the global Z axis
IEntity_DG Triangle(Point_DG pt0, Point_DG pt1, Point_DG pt2)
IEntity_DG Rectangle(double width, double height)
A rectangle [0, width]x[0, height] in the global x,y plane
IEntity_DG Polygon(Point_DG pt0, Point_DG pt1, Point_DG pt2, Point_DG pt3)
IEntity_DG Line(Point_DG pt0, Point_DG pt1)
IEntity_DG LineInf(Point_DG origin, Vect_DG direction, bool ray)
IEntity_DG Circle(double radius)
A circle in the global x,y plane
IEntity_DG Arc Arc(double radius, double angle)
An arc of a circle in the global x,y plane with center at the global origin and angle with the X axis in range [0, angle]
IEntity_DG Ellipse(double a, double b)
An ellipse in the global x,y plane