IObjectGenerator_DG Interface
- Create
- Create1
- Create2
The returned object is an interface. Its name is the type string prepended with 'I'. For an examle, a call to Create("Array_DG", ..) returns IArray_DG interface.
Exception: In x64 DG Kernel edition Create("Mesh", ..) returns IMesh64
Not all interfaces can be obtained this way. For an example, IBRepShape_DG is an abstract base interface. The object, which implements it, must be constructed as BRepSolid_DG, etc. concrete type.
The table below may be out of date after updates so it is recomended to try name of the required interface (without the leading I)
Implemented type string values
2DPointArray_DG |
BRepBRepWire_DG |
MapUnkn_DG |
3Dpt |
BSplineCurve2d_DG |
Matrix_DG |
Appearance_DG |
BSplineCurve_DG |
Mesh |
Arc |
BSplineCurveInterpolator_DG |
Model_DG |
ArcSplineCurve |
BSplineSurface_DG |
Move_KC |
Array_DG |
CircCircle2d_DG |
PathCollisionDetector |
ArrayInt_DG |
Circle_DG |
Pipe |
| Cone_DG |
Plane_DG |
Blob |
CurveFreeForm |
PointArray_DG |
Box_DG |
Cylinder_DG |
PointMatrix_DG |
BRepBuilder_DG |
Dictionary_DG |
Polygon3D_DG |
BRepBuilderEx_DG |
Ellipse_KC |
Range |
BRepChamfer_DG |
EntityArray_DG |
ShapeArray_DG |
BRepCompositeSolid_DG |
Entity_DG |
Sphere_DG |
BRepCompound_DG |
ESPAlgorithm |
StdShape_DG |
BRepDraftAngle_DG |
Frame2d_DG |
StdShapeRef_DG |
| FrameArray_DG |
StickyLabel |
BRepFace_DG |
Frame_DG |
StripArcLine_KC |
BRepFeaturePrism_DG |
Geometry_DG* |
SurfacePoint_DG |
BRepFillet_DG |
KO_BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape |
Text |
BRepGeometry_DG |
List_DG |
Torus_DG |
BRepShell_DG |
Line2d_DG |
VectorOperation_DG |
BRepSolid_DG |
Line_DG |
VirtualView |
BRepBRepVertex_DG |
WireArrayToSurfaceBuilder_DG |
*) By default (Create method) IGeometry_DG is constructed as BRep type. To construct other types of geometry use Create2() method with params containing string item named "Type"
and value one of geometry types: "BRep", "Mesh", etc.
See IEntity_DG.SetGeometryType(). See an example below.
CutEffect_KC |
KO_Geom_Plane |
KO_TColStd_Array1OfBoolean |
Dictionary_KC |
KO_Geom_BSplineSurface |
KO_TColStd_Array1OfInteger |
Ellipse_KC |
KO_Graphic2d_Point |
KO_TColStd_Array1OfReal |
KO_BRep_Builder |
KO_Graphic2d_Text |
KO_TColStd_Array2OfReal |
KO_BRep_Tool |
KO_gp_Ax1 |
KO_TColgp_Array2OfPnt |
KO_BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge |
KO_gp_Ax2 |
KO_TopoDS_Builder |
KO_BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace |
KO_gp_Ax22d |
KO_TopoDS_Compound |
KO_BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire |
KO_gp_Ax2d |
KO_TopoDS_CompSolid |
KO_BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections |
KO_gp_Ax3 |
KO_TopoDS_Edge |
KO_BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism |
KO_gp_Circ |
KO_TopoDS_Face |
KO_Geom2d_Geometry |
KO_gp_Circ2d |
KO_TopoDS_Shape |
KO_Geom2d_Circle |
KO_gp_Cone |
KO_TopoDS_Shell |
KO_Geom2d_Conic |
KO_gp_Cylinder |
KO_TopoDS_Solid |
KO_Geom2d_Curve |
KO_gp_Sphere |
KO_TopoDS_Vertex |
KO_Geom2d_Line |
KO_gp_Torus |
KO_TopoDS_Wire |
KO_GeomAPI_Interpolate |
KO_gp_Pln |
Label3D_KC |
KO_GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline |
KO_gp_Quaternion |
Measurement_KC |
KO_Geom_BSplineCurve |
KO_gp_Trsf |
PrizmInfinite_KC |
KO_Geom_Circle |
KO_TColgp_Array1OfPnt |
StripArcLine_KC |
KO_Geom_CylindricalSurface |
KO_TColgp_Array1OfVec |
TextSection_KC |
KO_Geom_Line |
Object Create(string type)
See the comments above
Object Create1(string type, Object iParam)
iParam - a parameter specific for the requested type.
See the comments above for the other parameters
Object Create2(string type, IDictionary_DG params)
The method allows specifying additional data for the construction. Use call similar to:
IDictionary_DG params = iObjectGenerator_DG.Create("Dictionary_DG") as IDictionary_DG;
to create the dictionary.The first imeplemented case is: type="Geometry_DG" and params contains "Type" string with value one of geometry types: "BRep", "Mesh", etc.
See IEntity_DG.SetGeometryType().
params.SetString("Type", "Mesh");
IGeometry_DG iGeom = iObjectGenerator_DG.Create2("Geometry_DG", params) as IGeometry_DG;
IMesh iMesh = iGeom as IMesh;