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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > API Reference > Model > Entities > Appearence > IAppearance_DG Search Documentation

IAppearance_DG Interface


IAppearance_DG gives access to the generic (base) appearance object of an entity. It can be used directly to change attributes of 0-dimentional entities which consist of a single point or a set (array/list) of points.

Objects with 1-dimensional geometry (IGeometry_DG.GetDimension()==EDim_DG.e1D) also implement ILineStyle_KC, which can be queried from this interface and exposes more attributes.

Objects with surface ((IGeometry_DG.GetDimension()==EDim_DG.e2D) also implement IMaterial, which can be queried from this interface and handles surface-related attributes.

IAppearance_DG is returned by IEntity_DG.GetAppearance()

See also: IMaterial

void SetColor(float red, float green, float blue)

void GetColor([out] float red, [out] float green, [out] float blue)

float GetPointWidth()

void SetPointWidth(float width)