Profile Sample
Source code for Profile sample is available in Samples\VC
folder of the installation directory. It is recommended to
copy whole VC directory to location outside of the installation folder
before loading or compilation. Profile is an MFC application, which demonstrates
usage of IProfiles interface
See also C# Profile Sample,
Visual C++ Samples,
All samples
Running the application
The Element radio buttons allow to selection of an element in the surface
strip, which is of a simplest kind in this case. It consists of a single patch
and its two left and right edges.
Parameters group allow selecting a parameter in the current element.
Parameters of an edge are x and y coordinates (coordinates in cross-entity).
The patch element has a single parameter - its curvature.
Profile group of controls allows selection of an axial knot and modification
of the profile of the current parameter at the selected knot. "Add
New" button creates new knot in the middle of the current axial segment
(segment between the current and the next knot).
"Current Axial Segment" group allows changing type of the current
axial element in the profile and changing its curvature. Note that
curvature can be negative.
Note that changing axial element type and adding a new knot are topological
operations. They are available in Pro level products only, otherwise the
correspondent interfaces will not be obtained and relevant controls in the
dialog will be disabled.
All implementation is contained in the main dialog class CProfileDlg.
CProfileDlg::OnInitDialog() function obtains main interfaces ISection,
and IAxiBase of the only object in the model.
Update...() set of functions:
- UpdateElemInfo()
- UpdateParamsInfo()
- UpdateProfileInfo()
- UpdateAxialElementInfo()
- UpdateProfileValue()
- UpdateAxiSegmParameter()
call each other from top to bottom. This structure follows structure of the
model and layout of controls in the dialog. When some control has been changed
all controls below have to be updated.
The most specific to this sample interface IProfiles is obtained in UpdateProfileInfo()
by queering from the current IElement.
Another interesting interface IStripTopol is obtained in UpdateAxialElementInfo().
The interface is used in OnRbTypeArc() and OnRbTypeLine() to change type of the
current axial line().
OnButtNewKnot() handler obtains IArray interface from IAxiBAse and uses it to
insert a new knot in the middle of the current segment.