Texture Sample
Source code for Gear sample is available in Samples\VC
folder of the installation directory. If you are going to compile
the project we suggest to
copy whole VC directory to location outside of the installation folder.
Texture is an MFC dialog-based application which demonstrates usage of ITexture
interface. The application allows to change textures for different surfaces of
an object interactively..
See also Visual C++ Samples, All samples
Running Texture Sample
By default the application displays model (Models\Samples\Texture.mdg) of a
box with two embedded textures. The first texture, which was assigned on
modeling stage my 3D Debugger, is a picture Data\Textures\Uluru.bmp from the
installation folder. It is assigned to the front surface of the box. Note that
the same technique can be used to display textual information on a surface
patch. All side surface patches are using the same texture loaded from file
Object Group loads a texture bitmap file and assigns it to all surfaces in
the object. To display the texture "Enable" check box has to be turned on. To
disable blending the texture with underlying color of the surface, turn on the "Texture Only" check box. The texture can be unloaded by using the
"Load/Unload" button.
Side Surface group allows assigning texture to an individual surface patch in
the object. If enabled, the texture will override texture loaded for the
object. "Use for all" button will make the texture to be shared among all side
patch strips in the object (excluding front and back surfaces).
Vertical Surfaces group manages textures assigned to the Front and Back
Texture application loads by default Cube.mdg model. The user can load and save any
DInsight model using File menu.
All implementation of texture handling is contained in TextureDlg class. m_pITexObj
member of the class of type ITexture * keeps reference to the texture of the
whole object. It is retrieved CTextureDlg::UpdateEntityInfo() method
m_pIEntity->QueryInterface( IID_ITexture, (void**)&m_pITexObj);
m_pITexCurSurf member keeps ITexture for the current patch strip selected in
the Side Surface group. It is obtained in UpdateSurfaceInfo() with
m_pIElemSurf->QueryInterface( IID_ITexture, (void**)&m_pITexCurSurf);
where m_pIElemSurf is the IElement reference implemented by the current
surface patch (segment in the strip of patch strips which is the whole side
m_pITexBack and m_pITexFront, responsible for textures of the Front and Back
surfaces, are obtained in UpdateFrontBack() from the Texture Array property of
the object. This property is an array itself. The first and last elements in the
Texture Array are ITexture interface pointers for the Front and Back surfaces.
Texture Array is obtained by queering it from ISection implemented by the
object. Line pIPropArray->GetProperty("TextureArray", (IUnknown**)&pIArray); retrieves
then the Texture Array.