IKO_Model Interface
HRESULT AddShape(IKO_TopoDS_Shape* shape, IKO_Standard_Object** section)
shape -[in] the shape to be added. Query ISection
from the returned object to accces its properties and methods
- Remarks:
Adds a new entity with geometry of "BRep" type which contains the shape
HRESULT AddGeometryItem(IKO_Geom_Geometry* item, IKO_Standard_Object** section)
item -[in] the item to be added. Query ISection
from the returned object to accces its properties and methods
- Remarks:
Adds a new entity with geometry of "BRep" type which contains shape representing the item
AddGraphic2d(IKO_Graphic2d_Primitive* item, IKO_Standard_Object** sceneItem)
item -[in] the item to be added. Query ISection
from edge to accces its properties and methods
- Remarks:
The method is not implemented in this release.