IControlInitialisationContext_KC Interface
- Activate
- IsActive
- ReleaseContext
- SetModelPath
- GetModelPath
- SetShowGlobalAxes
- GetShowGlobalAxes
- SetBackgroundColor
- GetBackgroundColor
- SetRenderSolid
- GetRenderSolid
- SetTransparBackgrEnabled
- GetTransparBackgrEnabled
- SetVisible
- IsVisible
- SetHandleComposited
- GetHandleComposited
- ResetToDefaults
- GetExtendedProperties
- GetUserDefinedProperties
Implements properties of
Initialisation Context of DG Kernel Components
This interface can be obtained using
IGlobalAPI_KC.LockInitialisationContext() method via query:
(new KcApiComProxy)>IGlobalAPI_KC>LockInitialisationContext
See also: Properties of initialisation context, Dual Mode
Activate(VARIANT_BOOL active)
Activates the context.
IsActive(VARIANT_BOOL* active)
The method returns the current state of the
Releases the context and makes it available for other threads
SetModelPath(char* path)
GetModelPath(BSTR* path)
SetShowGlobalAxes(VARIANT_BOOL show)
GetShowGlobalAxes(VARIANT_BOOL* show)
SetBackgroundColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
GetBackgroundColor(float* red, float* green, float* blue, float* alpha)
SetRenderSolid(VARIANT_BOOL solid)
GetRenderSolid(VARIANT_BOOL* solid)
SetTransparBackgrEnabled(VARIANT_BOOL enabled)
GetTransparBackgrEnabled(VARIANT_BOOL* enabled)
SetVisible(VARIANT_BOOL visible)
IsVisible(VARIANT_BOOL* visible)
SetHandleComposited(VARIANT_BOOL handle)
GetHandleComposited(VARIANT_BOOL* handle)
Restores default values for all properties of the initialisation context
GetExtendedProperties(IKCContext** context)
Returns extended properties of the Initialisation Context
GetUserDefinedProperties(IKCContext** context)
- Remarks:
The User Defined Properties are defined by the application. They allow storing
and quering from the control various custom properties, like an
application-specific control ID, defined during creation of the control. This method
is not implemented in this release. Contact us to request implementation.