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Surfaces of real objects have different color and reflective properties. Metal is shiny, unpolished wood is not. To model different types of surfaces, every entity has Material property.

A material keeps three colors in RGB format and one float number - shininess. The three colors are 

Ambient color - component of ambient light, which the surface reflects. Ambient light is the light, which scattered in the environment.

Diffuse color - component of diffuse light, which the surface reflects. Diffuse color comes from particular direction, most often from a light source but scattered in all directions equally. Diffuse light reflects with most intensity when it comes squarely down on the surface. 

Specular color is the color which comes from particular direction and is reflected in a preferred direction, thus creating spotlights.

Each color is represented by three numbers of float type in range 0.0 to 1.0 for Red, Green and Blue components. 

Shininess of the material represented by single float number in range 0.0 to 128.0. The higher the value is, the smaller and brighter are highlights on the surface.

To model materials with a specific pattern on the surface like wood or brick textures can be used.    

In 3D Debugger material properties can be modified using Material Editor

In DG Kernel control properties of the material can be modified using IMaterial interface.