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Overlay Sample

Overlay Sample demonstrates programming of Overlays

See also All samples

The application

On start the application creates a new overlay with a closed four segment strip and activates the overlay editor. Select a point or segment and drag it to modify it (Direct User Access mode). Select a point and press Delete key to replace adjacent segments with a shortcut. Select a segment and press Delete to remove the segment.

Select a segment and select Break command in context menu (right mouse click) to divide the segment in half.

Select "New strip" command in context menu and click a sequence of points to define a new strip. Hold Control Key to end the sequence

Controls on the right hand side of the application display information about the current strip and allow modification of its points. Change values in the edit boxes and press "Modify Point" to make the modification.


CreateDefaultOverlay() method of the main view (form) class is where the most important work is done. The method obtains IPropertyArray and calls IPropertyArray.GetPropertyEx("OverlayView", 1, 1) to simultaneously create an overlay and activate its editor. The GetPropertyEx() method returns an interface which can be safely cast to (already has type of) I2DView_KC.

CreateDefaultOverlay() also queries I2DEditor_KC from the I2DView_KC and obtains ISection implemented by the overlay object with a call to II2DEditor_KC.GetObject(). 2D model, which belongs to the overlay, is accessed by quering IModel_KC from ISection of the overlay.

IModel_KC.AddNewItem(EObjectType.eObjTypeLineStrip) line adds a new empty 2D line strip scene item and returns its IItem interface. To acces the actual strip (geometry inside the 2D item) IStrip is queried from the IItem.

The ConstructDefaultLoop() method uses methods of IStripTopol queried from IStrip to add new points to the strip. GetPoint() and SetPoint() methods are used to obtain or modify coordinates of a point.