IKO_Geom2d_Curve Interface
The abstract class Curve describes the common
behavior of curves in 2D space. The Geom2d
package provides numerous concrete classes of
derived curves, including lines, circles, conics, Bezier
or BSpline curves, etc.
The main characteristic of these curves is that they
are parameterized. The Geom2d_Curve class shows:
- how to work with the parametric equation of a
curve in order to calculate the point of parameter
u, together with the vector tangent and the
derivative vectors of order 2, 3,..., N at this point;
- how to obtain general information about the curve
(for example, level of continuity, closed
characteristics, periodicity, bounds of the parameter field);
- how the parameter changes when a geometric
transformation is applied to the curve or when the
orientation of the curve is inverted.
All curves must have a geometric continuity: a curve is
at least "C0". Generally, this property is checked at
the time of construction or when the curve is edited.
Where this is not the case, the documentation
explicitly states so.
The Geom2d package does not prevent the
construction of curves with null length or curves which
Query IKO_Standard_Object from this interface to create a copy or obtain the type name
- Reverse
- ReversedParameter
- TransformedParameter
- ParametricTransformation
- Reversed
- FirstParameter
- LastParameter
- IsClosed
- IsPeriodic
- Period
- Continuity
- IsCN
- D0
- D1
- D2
- D3
- DN
- Value
HRESULT Reverse()
HRESULT ReversedParameter(double U, double* ret)
HRESULT TransformedParameter(double U, IKO_gp_Trsf2d* T, double* ret)
HRESULT ParametricTransformation(IKO_gp_Trsf2d* T, double* ret)
HRESULT Reversed(IKO_Geom2d_Curve** ret)
HRESULT FirstParameter(double* ret)
HRESULT LastParameter(double* ret)
HRESULT Period(double* ret)
HRESULT Continuity(GeomAbs_ShapeKO* ret)
HRESULT D0(double U, KC2D* P)
HRESULT D1(double U, KC2D* P, KC2D* V1)
HRESULT D2(double U, KC2D* P, KC2D* V1, KC2D* V2)
HRESULT D3(double U, KC2D* P, KC2D* V1, KC2D* V2, KC2D* V3)
HRESULT DN(double U, int N, KC2D* ret)
HRESULT Value(double U, KC2D* ret)