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DG Kernel components depend on a number of Dynamic Link Libraries from Microsoft and DG Kernel Runtime files. They all must be present on the target machine for the component to work. When some of the files are missing the application, which uses DG Kernel quite often will not start without any messages

Redistributing via DgRedist_*.exe

This method simply means execution of DGRedist_7_0.exe on the target computer as a prerequisite. Use /q or /quiet switch to perform a silent installation.

The installer includes all DG Kernel runtime binaries and required dependencies from Microsoft for 32 and 64 bit applications.

Redistributing via DgRedistMsm Merge Module

The merge module DgRedistMsm.msm is available in a zip package from the download page. Most of installer building software can consume Windows Installer Merge Modules. Simply add the merge module to the installer project.

The zip package also includes vcredist_x64(86).exe from Microsoft. This installer has to be executed as a prerequisite before the main installation