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IColor Interface


The IColor interface gives access to components of the color.

See also Interface List

HRESULT Get( float* red, float* green, float* blue, float* alpha)


red, green, blue, alpha - [out] the returned components of the color


The methods returns components of the color. All values are in range 0 to 1.0. 1.0 value of alpha corresponds to totally opaque color

HRESULT Set( float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)


red, green, blue, alpha - [in] new components of the color


S_OK in case of success.

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL if any of the parameters is out of the valid range.


All values must be in range 0 to 1.0. 1.0 value of alpha corresponds to totally opaque color.