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Upgrading native v6.2 aplications to version 7.0


Upgrading Delphi aplications to version 7.0

Direct construction of DIObjGenerator object via CreateComObject(CLASS_DIObjGenerator) is not longer supported. Please use CreateComObject(CLASS_KcApiComProxy) instead to create an implementation of IGlobalAPI_DG and use IGlobalAPI_DG.GetGenerator() to obtain IObjectGenerator_DG.

Direct construction of Model object via CreateComObject(CLASS_model) is not longer supported. Please obtain IObjectGenerator_DG as described in the previous paragraph and call IObjectGenerator_DG.Create("IModel_DG") to obtain IModel_DG.


Upgrading C++ aplications to version 7.0

Direct construction of DIObjGenerator object via CoGetClassObject(CLSID_DIObjGenerator,...) is not longer supported. Please use CoGetClassObject(CLSID_KCGlobAPI,..) instead to create an implementation of IGlobalAPI_DG and use IGlobalAPI_DG.GetGenerator() to obtain IObjectGenerator_DG.

Direct construction of Model object via CoGetClassObject(CLSID_Model,...) is not longer supported. Please obtain IObjectGenerator_DG as described in the previous paragraph and call IObjectGenerator_DG.Create("IModel_DG") to obtain IModel_DG.