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C++ Samples

Sample Description Difficulty
BoolOp Demonstrates Boolean Operations MMedium
Collision Application of IMetrics interface for collision detection. Usage of I3Dpt interface for quick background calculations with 3D vectors and points Medium
Collision Path Demonstrates programming of Path Collision Detection. Medium
Data Flow Programmatic Import / Export. Simple
DIView DG Kernel control as resizable view Simple
Gear Mechanical applied design Medium
Label 3D Text Simple
LabelEx Advanced properties of 3D Labels Medium
Layers Programming of  layers and User Data. Medium
Light Properties of light sources Simple
Lines Line Strip objects Simple
LowDim Programming of Point Sets Simple
Measure Creation of measurements  and measurement-style labels Simple
Mesh Ops Demonstrates extraction of submeshes Simple
Metrics Calculation of distances, and nearest points between two objects and usage of IMetrics.Dist method Medium
MiniCAD Parametric modifications of 3DS and SOR objects. Object movements Medium
Modal Modal Mode and movements constraints Medium
Surfaces ddemonstrates creation of surfaces and solids from arrays of curves using thru operation Simple
Morph Mesh manipulation Advanced
Object Array Dynamic object creation and and manipulation of child/parent hierarchy Medium
OCCT Bridge Direct acces to OCCT technology via ITechnology_DG. Customisation of OCCT functionality Medium
Ogre Bridge Direct acces to Ogre technology via ITechnology_DG. Customisation of OCCT functionality Medium
Patch. Modifications of 3DS surfaces Simple
Patchwork Discovering Patch / Edge / vertex structure of an object Medium
Pick Demonstrates programming of selection of  objects in 3D view by the end user Medium
Profile Demonstrates usage of IProfiles interface and topological modification of profiles. Medium
Rotation Demonstrates  manipulation of .Eye frame  and hence the view point using IFrame interface Medium
Shape Explorer Browsing sub shape hierarchy of bspline objects Simple
Smart Labels Automatically positioned non-overlapping 3D text C#, C++
Strip Topology Dynamic modification of surface structure Medium
Texture. Textures of surfaces Medium
Transform Scaling, translation, rotation and other transformations of surfaces Simple
View Point The sample demonstrates programmatic access to the viewing frame and its manipulation Medium
Zoom Demonstrates  manipulation of .viewing volume using ILook interface. It also demonstrates manipulation of the Eye frame with the help of it IFrame interface Medium

See also .NET Samples,   All samples.