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Direct User Access

Direct User Access means the functionality available to the end user of a compiled application without any programming on part of the application developer.

In this version Direct User Access is available for some mesh manipulation operations and measurements

Direct User Access functionality is available via Advanced > Edit options in context menu of the component (right mouse click). or click into window or the component and press keys specified below. When selection is made the component enters a special mode in which normal viewing rotation/zoom/pan manipulations are disabled. Info line at the bottom of the component displays the current mode and available options. The component automatically returns to the normal viewing mode after completion of the operation. Pressing e key normally cancels the operation and returns to the previous mode.

A Direct User Access mode often has a sub mode. For example, to select multiple simplexes on surface of a meshed object use s key to enter selection mode and then press 2 key to enter Simplexes sub mode.

Direct User Access Modes

Modes and commands


Sub commands or sub modes

Model Explorer q   Launches Model Explorer



0 - vertices (default), 2 - simplexes, 3 - Objects, e- clear selection and exit




 d - delete all measurements, a - measure angle, Hold Ctrl key for extra options
n - Modify a measurement. Details, p - point measurement





Click on object and rotate or hold shift key and translate

Exit Current Mode



Selection (rectangle) zoom w Select a rectangle with the mouse View is zoomed to a selected rectangle
View v b - Birds Eye, g - Grid, o - Reset Orientation, r - Reset, f -Fit, e - exit, 4,6,2,5 - Rotate View by 90 degrees View manipulation commmands


Multiple Selection

To select a number of items on the screen for further manipulation make sure the component window has focus by clicking into it and press s key. Click and drag mouse to define a selection rectangle. All items intersecting the rectangle will be selected and highlighted with a different color. By default, vertices of a meshed surface are selected. Press 2 or 3 key immediately after s to select simplexes or objects instead.

Pressing the Delete key with a number of objects (sections) selected removes them from the model

The application can be notified and can receive the list of selected items via the Selection Event.

Mesh Modification

To delete Simplexes:

Select simplexes (Click into window, s, 2, select a rectangle ) as described above in Multiple Selection paragraph and press the Delete key.

To modify vertices

In context menu (right mouse click) select Advanced > Edit > Select > Vertices. Click and drag the mouse to select a rectangle on the screen. Vertices inside the rectangle will be highlighted with a blue color. Rotate the scene if needed to determine plane in which vertices are to be moved. In the context menu select Advanced > Edit > Modify. Hold the shift key and drag the vertices with the mouse (left button down). The vertices will be translated in plane parallel to the plane of view. Without the shift key a rotation kind of modification will be performed.

It is recommended to use this operation only for minor modifications as the meshed surface can quickly become invalid and will not be lighted correctly

To modify a vertex of a MeshSection object in 3D Debugger on the 3D Properties page of the form select Render Type > Mesh select Editor Mode > Modify and Modify Item Type > Surface. Hold Shift key, click on a vertex and drag it. The vertex will be translated in viewing plane. Rotate the scene to move the vertex in a different direction.