Data Flow Sample
The sample demonstrates importing and exporting models in supported formats
Data Flow also demonstrates usage of DG Kernel as a background geometric data
processing engine inside a class library, which does not have any Graphic User
The application can also be used for splitting
geometrically isolated objects in a STL file into separate STL files.
Also demonstrates general mesh operation of separating disjoined objects, which often happens during load of an stl file or after a Boolean union or subtract operation
Running the application
Open and Save File menu options have additional filters, which
allows save and load in different formats.
"Import Objects" file menu option demonstrates how additional
objects from another file in any supported formats can be added to the current model.
STL Directory submenu allows saving ad loading models as sets of structured
STL files. See STL Directory Tree. When "STL
Directory">Options>"Build tree" menu option is checked the
chosen directory for Save or Load operations is considered as an
STL Directory Tree
otherwise objects are saved to or loaded from a single directory as separate
STL Directory > Options menu command is used to demonstrate programming different save /
load options for STL formal
File > Convert menu option opens a format conversion dialog, which can be used to
convert between supported formats, including mass-conversion of folders
Tools Menu demonstrates general mesh operation of separating disjoined objects, which often happens during load of a stl file