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IRelation(64) Interface


Relation is a list of pairs of elements from another two lists. It describes a symmetric association of elements from two sets. The two related lists can be obtained with call to GetItemList.  To access pairs of elements from the relation obtain the list of pairs with a call to the GetRelation method. Access or iterate though the elements of list. Cast generic type returned from IList.GetAt to AssociationPair type. posn0 and posn1 are positions of the two related elements from the first and second list respectively.

See also Interface List

HRESULT GetRelation( IList** pairs )


pairs - [out] the returned list of pairs from the relation. The list contains AssociationPair structure elements.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

The methods returns IList of associations pairs. Elements of the list have type of AssociationPair. posn0 and posn1 from the pair can be used to obtain actual elements from the first or the second list respectively.

HRESULT GetItemList( VARIANT_BOOL bFirstSet, IList** items )


bFirstSet - [in] if true the method returns the first list or the second otherwise.

items - [out] returned reference to the specified list

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

The method returns either first or the second of the two associated lists of elements.