Object Generator
Object Generator is an object, which allow creation of other new objects. Object Generator is a sort of
"new" operator similar to one of C++, C# etc.
Using Object Generator
Object Generator implements IObjectGenerator_DG interface, which can be queried from IModel_DG
or from a standalone object as described in the Advanced section below.
IObjectGenerator_DG.Create method can be used to create new instances of
objects. See details for types of available objects.
A standalone instance of the Object Generator and its IObjectGenerator_DG can be obtained via call to CreateInstance()
COM API in C/C++ or via the new operator and a cast in other languages.
In COM terminology DIObjGenerator is a Class Factory. It can
be instantiated in COM-enabled development environments by using either its Class ID or Program ID (see below). Note that
DG Kernel control does not have to be created in the application before creation
of the object.
In .NET environment Object Generator can be created using standard new
operator as (C# example):
KernCADnet.DIObjGeneratorClass sect
= new KernCADnet.DIObjGeneratorClass();
Actual name of the wrapper class might be different in different versions of the
development environment. Refer to Object Browser in the project after adding a
reference to the KernelCADnet component (See Patch Tutorial).
In C++ the Object Generator can be instantiated by using its Class ID and call
to CoGetClassObject() COM function. See Cannon sample
for details of implementation.
In native Visual Basic an instance of the class can be created using the Program ID
and CreateObject() API as follows:
Dim gener3D
As Object
= CreateObject("KERNELCAD.DIObjGenerator.1")
IDs of DIObjGenerator
Class ID:
// {B38689B7-0560-441a-B735-0E68F0953587}
static const GUID CLSID_DIObjGenerator =
{ 0xb38689b7, 0x560, 0x441a, { 0xb7, 0x35, 0xe, 0x68, 0xf0, 0x95, 0x35, 0x87 } };
Program ID:
These definitions can also be found in Samples\VC\Inclide\DIInterface.h file of
the installation directory.
See also Deprecated Object Generators,
Object Array sample and Cannon sample.