IMove_KC Interface
- GetFrameAt
- GetOriginPath
- SetOriginPath
- GetAxisPath
- SetAxisPath
- CreateAttributes
- DefineTangentail
The interface is implemented by
Movements. The interface can be queried
from the return of IDIObjGenerator.Create
called with eType parameter set to eObjTypeMove member of the
See also Collision Path sample,
Interface List
HRESULT GetFrameAt( double t,
IFrame* frame )
t - [in] Parameter for which the frame is being
frame - [out, retval] returned
IFrame interface
- Remarks:
The method returns frame which corresponds to position and orientation
defined by the movement at the moment of time. Note that t is
assumed to be mapped to range [0, 1]. See more details at
HRESULT GetOriginPath(ICurve **curve)
curve - [out, retval] returned
ICurve interface
- Remarks:
The method gives access to path x(t) of origin of the
frame. Actual type of the curve is normally more complex than basic curve.
Query a relevant interface from the return to modify the curve. See
Curves for more more details. The
returned line implements at least
HRESULT SetOriginPath(ICurve *curve)
curve - [in] ICurve
interface to be attached to the movement as path of origin of the parameterized
- Remarks:
The method attaches a curve
created externally as path of origin of the
frame. The curve must have parameter in range [0, 1].
HRESULT GetAxisPath(int axis,
ICurve **curve)
axis - [in] identifies the curve. Valid values are: 0
- for curve u(t), which is the curve swept by x axis of the
frame and 1 - for curve v(t) swept by y axis.
- Remarks:
The method gives access to u and v curves of the
HRESULT SetAxisPath(int axis,
ICurve *curve)
axis - [in] identifies the curve. Valid values are: 0
- for curve u(t), which is curve swept by x axis of the
frame and 1 - for curve v(t) swept by y axis.
curve - [in] ICurve
interface to be attached to the movement as its u or v curve.
- Remarks:
The method attaches a curve
created externally as u or v curve of the
Movement . The curve must have
parameter in range [0, 1].
HRESULT CreateAttributes(int type)
type - [in] Identifies type of curves to be created
- Remarks:
Call to this method will setup a default
movement as translation along
global x axis by 1.
If type is 0 the method will create all three curves
of the movement as
Free-form curves linearly
interpolated between sampling points.
If type is 1 the method will create all three curves
as Arc Spline Curves.
The movement can be further modified by accessing sampling frames via
IFrameArray or by modifying
individual curves. See
movement for more details.
HRESULT DefineTangentail()
- Remarks:
The method constructs this as a
canonical move from the
path of this movement (the curve of of the origin).