IBRepBuilder_DG Interface
IBRepVertex_DG CreateVertex()
IBRepVertex_DG CreateVertex1(Point_DG position)
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge()
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge1(ICurve_DG curve)
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge2(ILine_DG line)
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge3(ILine_DG line, IBRepVertex_DG vertex0, IBRepVertex_DG vertex1)
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge4(ICircle_DG circle)
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge5(ICircle_DG circle, IBRepVertex_DG vertex0, IBRepVertex_DG vertex1)
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge6(ICurve_DG curve)
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge7(ICurve_DG curve, IBRepVertex_DG vertex0, IBRepVertex_DG vertex1)
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge8(ICurve2d_DG curveUV, IUVSurface_DG surface)
Creates an edge with a 3D curve attached. The 3D curve is defined in 2D plane of uv parameters of a surface.
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge9(ICurve2d_DG curveUV, IUVSurface_DG surface, Range_DG rangeCurveUVParam)
Creates an edge with a 3D curve attached. The 3D curve is defined in 2D plane of uv parameters of a surface as a curved segment with parameters in the specified range.
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge10(ICurve2d_DG curveUV, IUVSurface_DG surface, Point_DG end0, Point_DG end1)
Creates an edge with a 3D curve attached. The 3D curve is defined in 2D plane of uv parameters of a surface as a curved segment with ends at the specified points.
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge11(ICurve2d_DG curveUV, IUVSurface_DG surface, IBRepVertex_DG vertex0, IBRepVertex_DG vertex1)
Creates an edge with a 3D curve attached. The 3D curve is defined in 2D plane of uv parameters of a surface as a curved segment with ends at the specified vertices.
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge12(ICurve2d_DG curveUV, IUVSurface_DG surface, Point_DG end0, Point_DG end1, Range_DG rangeCurveUVParam)
Creates an edge with a 3D curve attached. The 3D curve is defined in 2D plane of uv parameters of a surface as a curved segment with ends at the specified points.
IBRepEdge_DG CreateEdge14(ICurve2d_DG curveUV, IUVSurface_DG surface, IBRepVertex_DG vertex0, IBRepVertex_DG vertex1, Range_DG rangeCurveUVParam)
Creates an edge with a 3D curve attached. The 3D curve is defined in 2D plane of uv parameters of a surface as a curved segment with ends at the specified vertices.
IBRepWire_DG CreateWire()
IBRepWire_DG CreateWire1(Point_DG end0, Point_DG end1)
IBRepWire_DG CreateWire2(Point_DG point0, Point_DG point1, Point_DG point2, bool closed)
IBRepWire_DG CreateWire3(IPointArray_DG points, bool closed)
IBRepWire_DG CreateWire4(IBRepVertex_DG vertex0, IBRepVertex_DG vertex1)
IBRepWire_DG CreateWire5(IBRepVertex_DG vertex0, IBRepVertex_DG vertex1, IBRepVertex_DG vertex2, bool closed)
IBRepWire_DG CreateWire6(IShapeArray_DG vertices, bool closed)
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace()
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace1(IPlane_DG plane)
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace2(ICylinder_DG cylinder)
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace3(ICone_DG cone)
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace4(ISphere_DG sphere)
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace5(ITorus_DG torus)
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace6(IUVSurface_DG surface)
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace7(IBRepWire_DG wire)
Creates a planar face. Raises an exception if the wire does not lie in a plane.
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace8(ISphere_DG sphere, IBRepWire_DG wire, bool inside)
IBRepFace_DG CreateFace9(ITorus_DG torus, IBRepWire_DG wire, bool inside)
IBRepShell_DG CreateShell()
IBRepSolid_DG CreateSolid()
IBRepCompositeSolid_DG CreateCompositeSolid()
IBRepCompound_DG CreateCompound()
IBRepShape_DG CreateShape(ShapeType_DG type)
void Add(IBRepShape_DG shapeTo, IBRepShape_DG shapeBeingAdded)
void Remove(IBRepShape_DG shapeFrom, IBRepShape_DG shapeToRemove)
void ModifyVertex(IBRepVertex_DG vertex, Point_DG position)
void ModifyVertex1(IBRepVertex_DG vertex, double position, IBRepEdge_DG edge)
Moves the vertex to the point at position parameter of 3D curve of the edge. Range of edge is reduced so that position becomes its new limit (First or last depending on the vertex).
void ModifyVertex2(IBRepVertex_DG vertex, double position, IBRepEdge_DG edge, IBRepFace_DG face)
Moves the vertex to the point at position parameter on the edge. If wire construction, is already finished, the caller is expected to take care of modifying curve of the other adjacent edge, which shares the vertex, before using the shape.
void ModifyVertex3(IBRepVertex_DG vertex, DG2D uv, IBRepFace_DG face)
Moves the vertex to the point at uv parameters of the surface of face.
void ModifyEdge(IBRepEdge_DG edge, ICurve2d_DG curve, IBRepFace_DG face)
Sets P-curve for the edge on the face. If curve is null, removes any existing P-curves.
void ModifyEdge1(IBRepEdge_DG edge, ICurve2d_DG curve1, ICurve2d_DG curve2, IBRepFace_DG face)
Sets P-curves for the edge on the face. curve1 and curve2 are assumed to be two representations of geometrically the same curve. If either curve is null, removes any existing P-curves.
void ModifyFace(IBRepFace_DG face, IUVSurface_DG surface, bool naturalBounds)
Sets surface for the face. If naturalBounds is true, a wire is automatically created from the natural bounds of the surface and added to the face. If naturalBounds is false, no wire is added.
void ModifyFace1(IBRepFace_DG face, IUVSurface_DG surface, Range_DG rangeU, Range_DG rangeV)
Sets surface for the face and defines parameter ranges for the face. The ranges must be within natural bounds of the surface.