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Textures are used when the modeled object has a specific pattern on its surface like wood or brick. Textures are bitmaps mapped to the surface of the object. Texture of a specific material can be created by taking a picture with digital camera or using a scanner and saving as a bitmap file.

For 3DS or SOR objects Textures can be applied in 3D Debugger using either Material Editor or using Surface menu (See Surface Options Dialog). Material Editor applies the loaded texture to all surfaces of the object. Surface menu commands allow applying the texture for the selected surface.

Textures for Mesh Entities can be imported or created via VRML, Wavefront .obj and possible via other formats. Please check the full list of supported formats for this version.

To create a texture manually via VRML use texCoord and texCoordIndex elements of IndexedFaceSet node. See VRML 2.0 specifications at https://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/vrml/vrml97/spec/ for details. Save the model in .wrl format. Add the above texture elements. After loading the file it can be saved as .mdg model with texture embedded for faster load. Contact us if you need more options.

To apply texture to a surface of 3DS or SOR object, in 3DDebugger, select a line in Cross-entity View and select "Current" command from the Surface sub-menu. To apply texture to the front or back surfaces select appropriate options from the same Surface sub-menu. If an object has a texture loaded for the whole object using the Material Editor and a texture for a specific surface, the later one overrides texture of the object. Textures applied to a surface override the texture assigned to the whole object using the Material Editor.

Textures are saved with the model. Note that textures can increase size of the model dramatically, which can be an issue when models are exchanged via the Internet or e-mail. Also note that textures are using significant amount of operating memory and processing power. Material Editor is a preferred method of Assignment of textures because it reuses the texture for all surfaces in the object.

Programmatically textures can be manipulated at run time using ITexture interface.

See also ITexture and Texture Programming sample