IDataContext Interface
- SetVerbose
- SetNoWarnings
IDataContext is the base interface for setting various options for
import/export of models of different types.
IDataContext is available only in componets of DG Kernel Enterprise product
See also Interface List
HRESULT SetVerbose( VARIANT_BOOL verbose )
verbose - [in] - Display options
in a component's dialog. See remarks.
- S_OK in case of
- Remarks:
If verbose is true the DG Kernel component will
display dialogs prompting user to make selection of data exchange options:
Crease angle, binary/ASCII etc. The default for this property is true. Set it to
false to supply own user interface or accept all defaults.
HRESULT SetNoWarnings( VARIANT_BOOL noWarnings )
noWarnings - [in] If true the
component will not display warnings when overwriting or removing a data
Return Values
- S_OK in case of
- Remarks:
By default the component will display a warning message when a data directory
is about to be deleted. Call this method with parameter false to suppress the