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IArray Interface


IArray manages access to arrays of different types of objects present during the software execution. Type of object is determined by the way the IArray is obtained. For example IArray representing the array of object textures  is obtained with a call to GetProperty("TextureArray", (IUnknown**)&pIArray) method of IPropertyArray interface.

Some arrays like arrays of object property  are constant arrays, meaning that only GetCount() and GetAt() methods are available. All other methods will return DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL error code.

Note: Obtaining IArray managing Axial Base knots of a 3DS object via ISection->IAxiBase->IArray is a context-dependent query. It means that between two steps ISection->IAxiBase and IAxiBase->IArray there must not be any other queries from the ISection interface.

See also Object Array Sample, Interface List

HRESULT GetCount(int * pnCount)


pnCount- [out, retval] Pointer to an integer variable which will be set to number of valid members in the array


S_OK in case of success.

HRESULT GetAt(int index, IUnknown **ppIUnkn)


index - [in] index of the object to retrieve.

ppIUnkn - [out, retval] pointer to a IUnknown* variable, which will be assigned an appropriate  interface pointer, implemented by index-th object in the array.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

DISP_E_BADINDEX - if the index is out of the range

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL - if the object is not available.

This method gives access to index-th object in the array. Most often actual type of the interface is different from IUnknown and can be cast to the specific type, which is described for each specific use of the IArray interface. 

HRESULT InsertAt(int index, IUnknown * pIUnkn)


index - [in] index of the newly added object.

pIUnkn - [in] Pointer to an IUnknown interface to be inserted in the array. Depending on the specific type of objects in the array if pIUnkn is NULL a new default object is inserted at the position. 


S_OK in case of success.


This method will insert pIUnkn at position index. All other members will be shifted up. Size of the array will be incremented by 1.

HRESULT RemoveAt(int index)


index - [in] index of the object to be removed..


S_OK in case of success.


Will remove the object at index position. 

HRESULT Add(IUnknown * pIUnkn)


pIUnkn - [in] Pointer to an IUnknown interface to be added to the array. Depending on the specific type of objects in the array if pIUnkn is NULL a new default object added in the end of array. 


S_OK in case of success.

The method will insert pIUnkn at the end of the array


HRESULT Find(IUnknown * pIUnkn, int* pnIndex)


pIUnkn - [in] Pointer to an interface to be found in the array. Note that any interface of any type can be supplied for this parameter.

pnIndex - [out] Pointer to an integer variable, which will receive 0-based index of the object in the array or -1 if not found.


S_OK. - Always.

If the array contains the object implementing the pIUnkn its 0- based index will be returned in pnIndex. Otherwise pnIndex will be set to -1.

HRESULT RemoveAll()


S_OK. - Always.

  • Empties the array by removing all elements