ITorus_DG Interface
- Init
- GetMajorRadius
- SetMajorRadius
- GetMinorRadius
- SetMinorRadius
- GetLocation
- SetLocation
- GetAxis
- SetAxis
- GetCenter
- SetCenter
- GetDirectionAxis
- SetDirectionAxis
- GetArea
- GetVolume
- Copy
- Clone
Oriented torus with center at the origin of the local frame and axis coinsiding with Z axis of the local frame.
Generated by rotation of a circumference in x,z plane with center at (MajorRadius, 0) and radius MinorRadius.
Implements also: IUVSurface_DG, IGeometricObject_DG, IObject_DG.
void Init(IFrame_DG frame, double majorRadius, double minorRadius)
double GetMajorRadius()
void SetMajorRadius(double radius)
double GetMinorRadius()
void SetMinorRadius(double radius)
IFrame_DG GetLocation()
The returned frame is "by value", not a reference, in this release. Use the SetLocation() method below to update this object
after any modifications to the frame.
void SetLocation(IFrame_DG frame)
ILine_DG GetAxis()
void SetAxis(ILine_DG axis)
Point_DG GetCenter()
void SetCenter(Point_DG apex)
Vect_DG GetDirectionAxis()
void SetDirectionAxis(Vect_DG direction)
double GetArea()
double GetVolume()
void Copy(ITorus_DG torus)
ITorus_DG Clone()
Returns a new copy of this.