IStripArcLine_KC Interface
- AddPoint
- CloseStrip
- Clear
- DeletePoint
- DeleteLine
- GetLength
- GetDistPoint
- GetOrientation
- GetPointLocation
- Reverse
- Sample
The interface is implemented by 2D Arc and straight line splines.
See also Interface List
HRESULT AddPoint(double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL arc, VARIANT_BOOL head, IElement** point)
- x, y -[in] coordinates of the point
- arc -[in] type of link to add
- head -[in] End of this strip to extend
- point -[out,retval] The added point
Extends this strip by adding a line or arc from an end to the point (x,y).
HRESULT CloseStrip(VARIANT_BOOL arc, ILine2D** link)
- arc -[in] type of link to add
- link -[out,retval] The added line or arc segment
Connects ends of an open strip. Does nothing if the strip was already closed
Deletes all elements from the strip.
HRESULT DeletePoint(IElement* point)
Deletes the point. If the point was an end, the adjacent line element is deleted also. If the point was internal, the
two adjacent line elements are replaced with a shortcut to keep the strip linked
HRESULT DeleteLine(ILine2D* line)
The method modifies ends of the line. If the stip was closed it becomes open. If the stip was open and the line was not an end no action is taken
HRESULT GetLength(double* length)
Returns the total length of the strip.
HRESULT GetDistPoint(double x, double y, KC2D* pointThis, double* dist)
- x, y - [in] coordinates of the point
- pointThis - [out] The nearest point on the strip
- dist - [out,retval] The returned distance
Calculates distance of a point to the strip. If pointThis is not null it will contain coordinates of the nearest point on
the strip. pointThis can lie anywhere on any linear element (often is not a point of the strip).
When there are more than one nearest point, pointThis is selected randomly
HRESULT GetOrientation(KC3State* ccw)
Returns kcTrue is this strip has Counter Clock Wise winding. Returns kcUnknown if strip is open
HRESULT GetPointLocation(double x, double y, EPointLocation2D* location)
Identifies location of the point with respect to this strip.
HRESULT Reverse()
Swaps ends of each linear element and the order in which all elements are listed.
HRESULT Sample(double deviation, IArrayNum** points)
- deviation- [in] Maximal deflection of the strip from the resulting approximation with segments
- points - [out,retval] The returned array of sampling points as pairs
Returns array of sampling points on this strip as pairs.