IMeshPointKC(64) Interface
- GetPoint
- GetLocation
- GetEdge
- GetSimplexPosition
IMeshPointKC gives access to MeshPoint objects, which represent a point on
meshed surface. It contains information about the simplex the point belongs to
and where in the simplex it is located.
Position of the simplex is returned by the GetSimplexPosition
method. The position can be used to retrieve the simplex via
IMeshEx.GetSimplex() or via
When point belongs to an edge (GetLocation() returns EPointInSimplexLocation.eSimplexPointLocationEdge))
or coinsides with a vertex (GetLocation() returns EPointInSimplexLocation.eSimplexPointLocationVertex))
index of the edge or the vertex is returned by GetEdge().
The edge in the first case can be obtained via
ISimplexEx_KC.GetEdge(). The
vertex in the second case can be obtained via
> IMesh.GetVertexCoord()
When point belongs to an edge or coinsides with a vertex the simplex containing the point is not unique.
Selection of the simplex must be considered random. Adjacent simplexes can be
obtained via ISimplex >
> ISimplexEx_KC.GetEdge() >
IEdge_KC.GetAdjacentSimplex() or via
IVertex >
IVertexEx_KC > IVertexEx_KC.GetStarSimplex() > ISimplex
IMeshPointKC can be queried from
ISurfacePointKC. Use query IMeshPointKC >
ISurfacePointKC > ISurfacePointKC.GetItem()
> ISection to identify the entity (object)
where the meshed surface belongs
See also: Morph sample.
Mesh Interfaces
HRESULT GetPoint( DIPoint* point )
point- [out] 3D Coordinates of the
- Remarks:
Returns 3D coordinates of the point. In most cases coordinates are relative to
the local frame of the entity (object) which owns the mesh
HRESULT GetLocation( EPointInSimplexLocation* location )
location - [out,retval] Location of the point inside the simplex
Returns location of the point inside the simplex identified by the GetSimplexPosition
method. See more deatils in the interface overview above
HRESULT GetEdge( int* edge )
edge- [out, retval] 0 based index of the
edge or vertex in the simplex or -1 if the point is located in internal area of
the face
- Remarks:
When the point belongs to an edge of the simplex the method returns 0 based index
of the edge or vertex. Edges and vertices are numbered in CCW direction looking
from the end of external normal. See more deatils in the interface overview
HRESULT GetSimplexPosition( int* position )
position- [out,retval] Position of the
simplex where the point belongs in list of simplexes of the mesh
- Remarks:
The method returns position of the simplex where the point belongs in list of
simplexes of the mesh. This position can be used in a number of interfaces,