IEntityArray_DG Interface
- GetCount
- GetAt
- SetAt
- Add
- AddNew
- InsertAt
- Find
- GetFlatDescendantArray
- ListDescendants
- RemoveAt
- Clear
- RemoveAll
- RemoveEntity
- RemoveEntities
int GetCount()
IEntity_DG GetAt(int index)
void SetAt(int index, IEntity_DG entity)
void Add(IEntity_DG entity)
void AddNew(int type, IEntity_DG entity)
void InsertAt(int indexAt, IEntity_DG entity)
int Find(IEntity_DG entity)
Returns zero based index or -1, if not found
IEntityArray_DG GetFlatDescendantArray(bool includeItems)
IEntityArray_DG ListDescendants(IDictionary_DG query)
Not implemented in this release
void RemoveAt(int index)
void Clear()
void RemoveAll((IDictionary_DG filter)
The filter parameter is ignored in this update
bool RemoveEntity(IEntity_DG entity, bool searchDescendants)
Returns false if the entity was not found
void RemoveEntities(IEntityArray_DG entities)