IUVSurface_DG Interface
- GetSurfaceType
- GetParameterRange
- GetRanges
- IsClosed
- IsPeriodic
- GetPeriod
- GetIsometricCurve
- GetPoint
- GetNormal
- GetTangent
- GetJet1
- GetJetN
- GetTangent
- GetPointUV
- GetNearestPoints
- GetCurveUV
- GetCurveUV1
- GetSurfaceIntersection
- GetCurveIntersection
- GetCurveProjection
- GetCurveUVProjection
- GetRatiosAt
- GetParametersAtRatios
- GetPointLocation
- GetCurveLocation
- GetSurfaceLocation
A surface in 3D with two dimentional (u,v) parameter
Indices are 0-based
IUVSurface_DG can be obtained using IBRepFace_DG.GetSurface()
or methods of IBReIBRepBuilder_DG. This interface represents generic (abstract) functionality so it can not be constracted new using methods of IObjectGenerator_DG. It has to be constructed as a specific type.
Implements also: IGeometricObject_DG.
ESurfaceType_DG GetSurfaceType()
void GetParameterRange(bool u, double *min, double *max)
Rectangle_DG GetRanges()
Returns uv parameter ranges as a rectangle.
bool IsClosed(bool u)
bool IsPeriodic(bool u)
double GetPeriod(bool u)
ICurve_DG GetIsometricCurve(bool u, double parameterAt)
If u is true, returns v-parametrised curve at u = parameterAt.
Point_DG GetPoint(DG2D uv)
Vect_DG GetNormal(DG2D uv)
Vect_DG GetTangent(DG2D uv, bool inUDirection)
void GetJet1(DG2D uv, Point_DG point, out Vect_DG d1u, out Vect_DG d1v)
Returns point and derivatives at the uv parameters.
void GetJet2(DG2D uv, Point_DG point, out Vect_DG d1u, out Vect_DG d1v, out Vect_DG d2u, out Vect_DG d2v, out Vect_DG d2uv)
Returns point and derivatives at the uv parameters.
Vect_DG GetJetN(DG2D uv, int Nu, int Nv)
Returns point and derivatives of the specified order at the uv parameters.
DG2D GetPointUV(Point_DG point)
I2DPointArray_DG GetNearestPoints(Point_DG point)
ICurve2d_DG GetCurveUV(ICurve_DG curve)
ICurve2d_DG GetCurveUV1(ICurve_DG curve, double parameterFrom, double parameterTo)
ICurveArray_DG GetSurfaceIntersection(IUVSurface_DG surface)
The surfaces are assumed to be defined in the same frame. In case when it is not true, like the surfaces belong to different entities,
one or both have to be transformed using methods of IGeometricObject_DG.
void GetCurveIntersection(ICurve_DG curve, [out] IPointArray_DG points, [out] IPointArray_DG params, [out] ICurveArray_DG segments, [out] I2DPointArray_DG segmentParams)
Intersection of curve and this surface.
points contains distinct intersection points.
params is synchronised with points and contains correspondent triples (u,v,w), where u,v are parameters of the point on this surface and w is
parameter of the intersection point on the curve.
segments contains continuous pieces of non-zero length of curve, which are fully inside of this surface.
segmentParams has double size of segments. It consists of pairs of (u,v) points.
For a curve from segments the correspondent pair of (u,v) points in segmentParams are the u,v parameters of its first and last ends.
ICurve_DG GetCurveProjection(ICurve_DG curve)
ICurve2d_DG GetCurveUVProjection(ICurve_DG curve)
DG2D GetRatiosAt(DG2D uv)
Returns result of linear mapping of the min,max range as defined by the GetParameterRange() to [0,1] for each parameter. Ratios of (0.5, 0.5) correspond to the central point of the surface
Be aware that in case of infinite values returned by GetParameterRange() the mapping is not reliable.
DG2D GetParametersAtRatios(DG2D ratios)
The inverse mapping to one defined in GetRatiosAt()
PointVsSurfaceLocation_DG GetPointLocation(Point_DG point)
Classifies location of a point relative to this surface.
CurveVsSurfaceLocation_DG GetCurveLocation(ICurve_DG curve, double tolerance, int algorithm)
Classifies location of a curve relative to this surface.
The algorithm parameter is used only in the case when there is no intersection (no any common points) and the surface is not closed. In the case
if algorithm is negative, checks of the side are skipped for performance and CurveVsSurfaceLocation_DG.eCurveVsSurfaceLocationDgUnknownOutside is returned.
If algorithm is zero or positive, the location is determined by sampling the curve at m = max(algorithm, 3) points and applying the above GetPointLocation() method.
This behaviour may change in the future versions.
SurfaceVsSurfaceLocation_DG GetSurfaceLocation(IUVSurface_DG surface, double tolerance, int algorithm)
Classifies location of a surface relative to this surface.
The algorithm parameter is used only in the case when there is no intersection (no any common points) and neither surface is closed. In the case
if algorithm is negative, checks of the side are skipped for performance and
SurfaceVsSurfaceLocation_DG.eSurfaceVsSurfaceLocationDgUnknownOutside is returned.
If algorithm is zero or positive, the location is determined by sampling the curve at m = max(algorithm, 3) points and applying the above GetPointLocation() method.
This behaviour may change in the future versions.