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Deploy Wix Basic Deployment sample

Deploy Wix Basic sample is a Wix version of Deploy tutorial. It is useful in case you do not have Visual Studio 2008 or need a more flexible way to create an installer. It is considered a "a manual" kind of installer. Consider using DgRedist Merge Module instead. The project is available in Samples\Deployment\DeployWixBasic folder.

The sample demonstrates installing MiniCAD sample along with all required DG Kernel components.

The tutorial is based on version 3.11 of WiX toolset http://wixtoolset.org/about/ - free and open software developed and maintained by Microsoft engineers. We recommend installing this useful tool. If you do not wish to install Wix this tutorial is still useful as there is source for the installer which has clear XML-based structure and can be used as a reference for creating installers with another tools

With minor modifications the .wxs source code is the one used in the creation of the DgRedist_6_0_*.zip redistributable files

It is assumed that DG Kernel 6.0 is installed on the computer at its default location C:\Projects\KernelCAD_6_0.

The source code, contained in DeployWixBasic.wxs, is relatively self-explanatory. It contains XML code listing the installed files, changes to registry and component registration step

The solution provided is for Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Studio 2008. It can be also loaded in any later version of Visual Studio. Installer of Wix takes care of registering the wix project type with the currently installed version of Visual Studio.

Make sure Release is the active configuration and the active platform coincides with the platform (bitness) of the installed DG Kernel. The resulting .msi file will be created in a subfolder of the Samples\DeployWixBasic\bin\

See Also: Redistribution, All Deployment Samples.