IArray3D Interface
- GetCount
- SetCount
- Get
- Set
- InsertAt
- Add
- RemoveAt
- RemoveAll
Gives access to an array of 3D points or other elements with three
See also Interface List
[propget] HRESULT GetCount(int * count)
count - [out, retval] the returned
size of the array
- Remarks:
Returns size of the array. This method is a get method for Count property of the array
[propput] HRESULT SetCount(int count)
count - [in] new size of the array
- Remarks:
Changes size of the array. Stored elements are preserved where possible. This
method is the set method of Count property of the array
HRESULT Get(int index, double* x, double* y, double* z)
index - [in] 0-based index into the array
x,y,z - [out] The returned components of the index-th
Return Values
- S_OK in case of success.
DISP_E_BADINDEX if the index was out of range
- Remarks:
The method returns the index--th element stored in the array.
HRESULT Set(int index, double x, double y, double z)
index - [in] 0-based index into the array
x,y,z - [in] New components of the index-th
Return Values
- S_OK in case of success.
DISP_E_BADINDEX if the index was out of range
- Remarks:
Sets the index--th element
HRESULT InsertAt(int index, double x, double y, double z)
index - [in] 0-based index into the array
x,y,z - [in] New components of the index-th
Return Values
- S_OK in case of success.
DISP_E_BADINDEX if the index was out of range
- Remarks:
The method inserts new element with the specified components at the specified index.
Elements after are shifted up.
HRESULT Add(double x, double y, double z)
x,y,z - [in] Components of the element to be added
- Remarks:
The method adds new element with the specified components at the end of the array
HRESULT RemoveAt(int index)
index - [in] 0-based index into the array
Return Values
- S_OK in case of success.
DISP_E_BADINDEX if the index was out of range
- Remarks:
The method removes element at the specified index. Elements after are shifted down.
HRESULT RemoveAll()
- Remarks:
The method empties the array. It is equivalent to SetCount(0).