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IBRepBuilderEx_DG Interface


An algorithmic object, which implements relatively common operations on brep bspline shapes

BRepBuilderEx object can be created via IObjectGenerator_DG.Create("IBRepBuilderEx_DG") > IBRepBuilderEx_DG query.

IBRepShape_DG Extrude(IBRepShape_DG shape, Vect_DG direction)

IBRepShape_DG Evolve(IBRepWire_DG base, IBRepWire_DG profile, JoinType_DG join, bool global, bool solid)

Builds an evolved shape from planar wire base and a profile wire.
The evolved shape is an unlooped sweep (pipe) of the profile along the spine. Self-intersections are removed.

If global is true, profile is defined in global cordinates, otherwise it is defined relative to axes: Origin: Point of the profile nearest to the spine. Axis X: Tangential vector to the wire at the origin. Axis Z: Normal to the plane of base. Axis Y: Defined as inner product of axes X and Z.

join defines type of pipe generated by the salient vertices of the spine. The default type is eJoinTypeArc, where the vertices generate revolved pipes about the axis passing along the vertex and the normal to the plane of the spine. Currently this is the only construction type implemented.

If solid is true, caps are added to make the returned shape a solid or a compound of solids.

IBRepShape_DG EvolveFace(IBRepFace_DG base, IBRepWire_DG profile, JoinType_DG join, bool global, bool solid)

Builds an evolved shape from planar face base and a profile wire.
The evolved shape is an unlooped sweep (pipe) of the profile along the spine. Self-intersections are removed.

join defines type of pipe generated by the salient vertices of the spine. The default type is eJoinTypeArc, where the vertices generate revolved pipes about the axis passing along the vertex and the normal to the plane of the spine. Currently this is the only construction type implemented.

If global is true, profile is defined in global cordinates, otherwise it is defined relative to axes: Origin: Point of the profile nearest to the spine. Axis X: Tangential vector to the wire at the origin. Axis Z: Normal to the plane of base. Axis Y: Defined as inner product of axes X and Z.

If solid is true, caps are added to make the returned shape a solid or a compound of solids.

IBRepShape_DG CreatePipe(IBRepWire_DG spine, IBRepShape_DG profile)

Constructs a pipe by sweeping profile along spine.The angle betweenthe spine and profile is maintained along the length of the pipe. spine must be smooth (not to have corners). Raises an exception if profile is a solid or a composite solid.