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IDictionary_KC Interface


Dictionalry is an  array of named parameters (properties) of different types. It is used as a context for an operation or gives access to an object when it is not known in advance how many parameters (properties) will be required.

Initially dictionary was implemented to pass new parameters to IBoolSectionEx.Execute3() as Boolean operations require many parameters and the  set is likely to be expanded in the future

Although IDictionary_KC allows modification of parameters it does not allow changing its structure, namely add/remove parameters or change its types. Structure of a dictionalry depends on and is described by documentation for each particular use case.

GetParamCount, GetParamName, GetParamDescription and GetParamType methods can be used to discover structure and meaning of a dictionary.

See also Interface List

HRESULT GetParamCount(int type, int* count)


type--[in] Type of parameter to count. Expected values are enumerated in EDictionaryType_KC. See remarks

count-[out, retval] the returned number of parameters, which have the requested type


When type is 0 (value of EDictionaryType_KC.eKDUnknown) the method returns total size of the array. When type is EDictionaryType_KC.eKDInt, for example, the method returns count of integer parameters in the dictionary

HRESULT GetParamName(int id, BSTR *name)


id -[in] 0-based index of a parameter. Must be greater ir equal to 0 and less than total size of the dictionary as returned by GetParamCount(EDictionaryType_KC.eKDUnknown)


Returns name of a parameters stored in the dictionary

HRESULT GetParamDescription(char* name, BSTR *description)


name - [in] name of a parameter

description - [out] The returned description of the parameter


Returns description of the parameter

HRESULT GetParamType(char* name, int* type)


name - [in] name of a parameter

type - [out] Type of the parameter. Returned values are enumerated in EDictionaryType_KC. See remarks


The method returns the type as enumerated in EDictionaryType_KC or 0 ( EDictionaryType_KC.eKDUnknown ) if the dictionary does not have parameter with the name

HRESULT GetInt(char* name, int *val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not an integer

Returns the integer or an error. See return values

HRESULT SetInt(char* name, int val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not an integer

HRESULT GetDouble(char* name, double *val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not a double

HRESULT SetDouble(char* name, double val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not a double

HRESULT GetBool(char* name, VARIANT_BOOL *val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not a Boolean

HRESULT SetBool(char* name, VARIANT_BOOL val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not a Boolean

HRESULT Get3State(char* name, KC3State *val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not a KC3State

HRESULT Set3State(char* name, KC3State val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not a KC3State

HRESULT GetString(char* name, BSTR *val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not a string

HRESULT SetString(char* name, char *val)

Return Values

DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL (Exception in .NET environment) if the name does not exist or the parameter is not a string

HRESULT Get(char* name, VARIANT *param)


The returned value is interpreted as Object in many environments. Its type is determined at runtime

HRESULT Set(char* name, VARIANT *param)


The value is interpreted as Object in many environments. Its type is determined at runtime

HRESULT GetInterface(char* name, IUnknown** interf)

HRESULT SetInterface(char* name, IUnknown* interf)