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C++ source code

This topic describes the open parts of the C++ source code available in this version

Third party open source

In the current version there are two major open source components used in DG Kernel. Both can be modified and recompiled to run with DG Kernel. They are Open Cascade Technology and Open Graphics Rendering Engine (Ogre)

Both components have minor modifications, without which DG Kernel will not work. The source code, projects and other related data required to build the componets are included in: DGKernel_7_2_ThirdPartySrc.zip available from the downloads page: dynoinsight.com/ProDown.htm or Github

The downloaded files are expected to be extracted into the DGKernel_7_2 installation folder. The default DG Kernel location D:\Projects\DGKernel_7_2\ should be the target folder for the zip extraction. The final directory structure has to have D:\Projects\DGKernel_7_2\ThirdParty\ folder.

The included projects and solutions target Visual Studio 2022. Please follow instructions in the included ReadMe.txt to build the solutions.

Open Cascade Technology

This release is based on the OCCT v7.7.0.

Open solution D:\Projects\DGKernel_7_2\ThirdParty\OCCT\opencascade-7.7.0\OCCT.sln and build Win32 or x64 Release configuration to obtain the new binaries. The compiled target files will replace installed ones located in C:\Projects\DGKernel_7_2\Bin and will have TK_*.dll names.


The source code is based on v1.12.13 of Ogre. To build: Open solution C:\Projects\DGKernel_7_2\ThirdParty\Ogre\build_x32\OGRE.sln and build Release configuration for both Win32 and x64 platforms.

C++ interface of DG Kernel

C++ interface of DG Kernel is a collection of C++ declarations and related files, which allows direct access to DG Kernel classes. It makes possible creation of custom objects and other extensions of DG Kernel features. There is also significant functionality, which becomes available, otherwise not exposed via the interface hierarchy.

Contact us about obtaining the relevant source code