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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > Models > Entities > Operations and Algorithms > Planar Bool Ops Go to DGKC docs Search Documentation

Planar Boolean Operations

Planar Boolean Operations are operations where the second object is a plane. There two types of Planar Boolean operations: Subtract and Clip. The only differnce between them is that solids remain solids after subtract. Clip operation, on the other hand, does not cover the holes made by the plane.

To perform a Planar Boolean Operation:

1. Create an operation context as IDictionary_DG. Example: IDictionary_DG context = m_gen.Create<IDictionary_DG>();

2. Add position and and normal of the plane to the context as doubles PlaneOriginX, PlaneOriginY, PlaneOriginZ and PlaneNormalX, PlaneNormalY, PlaneNormalZ.

context.SetDouble("PlaneOriginX", originX); 
context.SetDouble("PlaneOriginY", originY); 
context.SetDouble("PlaneOriginZ", originZ);
context.SetDouble("PlaneNormalX", normalX); 
context.SetDouble("PlaneNormalY", normalY); 
context.SetDouble("PlaneNormalZ", normalZ);

3. Add Operation string to the context with value either "Subtract" or "Clip" like:

context.SetString("Operation", "Subtract"); 

2. Query IObject_DG from IEntity_DG of the first object.

3. Use IObject_DG.Execute("PlanarOperation", context) to perform the operation.

See also PlanarOpsTst in the installed Samples\NET\C#\Tests\InterfaceTests\