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Skip Navigation LinksHome Page > Models > Entities > Attributes > Local Frame Go to DGKC docs Search Documentation

Local Frame Entity Attribute

Local Frame of an entity is a set of coordinate axes, which specifies location and orientation of the entity. See Frames for more details about frames generally.

Internal geometry of the entity (say, coordinates of a vertex or edge ends) is defined relative to the local frame. Because of that, movement of the entity in space does not change the internal geometry. Only location and orientation of the frame changes. This is true for all types of geometries

Local frame can be accessed and modified using IFrame_DG interface, obtained via query IEntity_DG > GetLocation() > IFrame_DG.

All entities have ShowLocalFrame Boolean property, which controls visibility of the local frame. If ShowLocalFrame is true, local axes are rendered in 3D views with triangular pointers. Programmatically ShowLocalFrame can be managed via IScene_DG.ShowLocalFrame() method.