ICurve Interface
- GetPoint
- IsClosed
- SetClosed
- GetLength
The interface is implemented by geometric curve objects. It gives uniform
access to different types of curves and exposes only its basic properties, This
interface is likely to be expanded in future releases.
See also: Interface List
HRESULT GetPoint(double t, double* x, double* y, double* z)
t - [in] Parameter identifying position of a point on
the curve.
x,y,z - [out] returned coordinates of the point
- Remarks:
Returns coordinates of a point on the curve, which is identified by parameter
of the curve. Each specific curve has own way of mapping of some range of real
numbers to points of curve. The range depemds on the specific type of curve, but in
most cases it is [0, 1] range.
closed - [out] The returned Closed property, which
indicates whether the line is a closed loop or has ends
- Remarks:
The method returns the current state of Closed property, which indicates
whether the line is a closed loop or has ends
closed - [in] Sets Closed property of the line
- Remarks:
Closed property is often determined by its underlying geometry defined
by other interfaces. In such cases this method will have no effect, but calling
it is not an error. In some cases, like Free Form Curves,
geometry can be interpreted either way and value of this property will be used
by the software to determine which is the case.
HRESULT GetLength(double* length)
length - [out, retval] The
returned length of the curve
- Remarks:
Calculates length of the curve which implements this interface