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IStdShape Interface


IStdShape interface provides a simplified method for creation of standard objects.

There are two implementations of IStdShape in DG Kernel. They create different types of objects. The first one creates objects as 3DS, SOR and LineEntitys. This IStdShape can be queried from IModel interface. To obtain the other one query IPropertyArray from IModel, call IPropertyArray.GetProperty("IKO_Model") and cast (query) the returned object to IStdShape. IStdShape queried via this path creates all objects as B-Spline surfaces or curves.

See ObjectArray sample or NewStandardObjectForm.cs of the Model  Explorer's source code for an example

 All methods create an object at the global origin and add it to the model as the last top-level object. The returned IIEntity interface can be used to modify location, orientation, shape and other properties of the object. Use IFrame2, IFrame or I3DObject queried from the returned ISection to move the object in 3D space.

To create a standalone object without adding it to the model call a relevant method, assign the returned ISection reference to a variable or member to keep the entity alive and remove the last object top-level object from the model this IStdShape was queried from using IArray interface.

See also: Object Array Sample, Dynamic Object Creation, Interface List

HRESULT Cylinder(double baseRadius, double topRadius, double height, ISection** cylinder)


baseRadius - [in] Radius of the cylinder at z = 0 plane

topRadius - [in] Radius of the cylinder at the top

height- [in] Height of the cylinder along its axis (z-axis)

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.


The method creates a cylindrical surface around z-axis of the global frame and adds it to the model Depending on parameters the surface can be cylinder, cone or truncated cone. The created object has SOR type, which has generatrix strip containing a single line.

HRESULT Disk(double innerRadius, double outerRadius, ISection** disk)


innerRadius - [in] Radius of the inner circle

outerRadius - [in] Radius of the outer edge

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.


The method creates a two-dimensional disk in x any y plane of global axes with center at the origin. The disk has an internal hole of radius innerRadius, which can be removed by setting innerRadius to 0. The created object has SOR type, which has generatrix strip containing a single point.

HRESULT Sphere(double radius, ISection** sphere)


radius - [in] Radius of the sphere

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

The method creates a sphere with center at the origin. The created object has SOR type, which has generatrix strip containing a single arc.

HRESULT Box(double width, double height, double length, ISection** box)


width - [in] x-dimension of the box

height - [in] y-dimension of the box

length - [in] z-dimension of the box

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

The method creates new box aligned with the global axes. Two opposite corners of the box are: the origin (0, 0, 0) and (width, height, length). The created object has 3DS type.

HRESULT Torus(double radius, double radiusTube, ISection** torus)


radius - [in] Radius of the circular axis of the tube

radiusTube - [in] Radius of the tube

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

The method creates a torus with center at the origin. The circular axis of the tube lies in the x and y plane of the global axes. The created object has SOR type.

HRESULT Triangle(DIPoint* pt0, DIPoint* pt1, DIPoint* pt2, ISection** obj)


pt0,pt1,pt2 - [in] corners of the triangle

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

The method creates a triangle in 3D space. Coordinates of the input points are relative to the global axes, which will coincide with the local frame. The created object has Mesh Entity type.

HRESULT Polygon(DIPoint* pt0, DIPoint* pt1, DIPoint* pt2, DIPoint* pt3, ISection** obj)


pt0,pt1,pt2,pt3 - [in] vertices of the polygon.

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

The method creates a filled polygon built on the supplied 3D points, rectangle is one of shapes which can be created. The created object has Mesh Entity type.

HRESULT Line(DIPoint* pt0, DIPoint* pt1, ISection** obj)


pt0,pt1 - [in] Ends of the line.

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

The method creates a line connecting the points. The created object has Line Strip type.

HRESULT Circle(double radius, ISection** obj)


radius - [in] Radius of the circle

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

The method creates a circle in the x and y plane of the global axes and center at the origin. The created object has SOR type, which has generatrix strip containing a single point.

HRESULT Rectangle(double width, double height, ISection*** obj)


width, height - [in] Dimensions of the rectangle

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.


The method creates a rectangle in the x and y plane of the global axes and center at the origin.

HRESULT LineInf(DIPoint* origin, DIVect* direction, VARIANT_BOOL ray, ISection** obj)


origin - [in] A point on the line

direction - [in] Direction of the line

ray - [in] Sepcifies whether the object is a ray or an infinite both ways line

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.


The method creates a ray or an infinite both ways straight line

HRESULT Ellipse(double a, double b, ISection** obj)


a - [in] The first radius of the ellipse

b - [in] The second radius of the ellipse

obj - [out] ISection interface implemented by the created object.


The method creates an ellipse in the x and y plane of the global axes and center at the origin. The created object has CurveGeometry type and cam be moved in 3D with I3DObject, IFrame, etc interfaces