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ISurfaceMetric_KC Interface


Projection of points and curves to surface of an object. See Surface Metrics sample for an example

HRESULT ProjectPoint(DIPoint* pt, ISurfacePointKC** iPointProjected)


pt - [in] - Point to project

iPointProjected - [out, retval] the projection point


Calculates point on surface nearest to pt and returns extended information about its proximity

HRESULT CreateProjectionCurve(ICurve* iCurve, ICurve** iCurveProjected)


Calculates projection of iCurve to surface of this object (the object which implements this interface)

To obtain extended information about surface in vicinity of the projected curve in case when the curve is a free-form curve query IArray from iCurveProjected. The type of elements stored in the array is ISurfacePointKC. See Surface Metrics sample for an example

Notice that in this release the method uses a simplified algorithm, which in case of curved surface and free form curves with small number of sampling points can give unstatisfactory precision. Contact us to request improvements.