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IMeshEx(64) Interface


This interface gives access to interfaces implemented by individual elements of the mesh, which give full control of the element parameters and structure. IMeshEx can be queried from IMesh interface.

See also Morph sample, IMesh, IVertex, ISimplex  Interface List

HRESULT GetVertex(POSN vertex, IVertex** iVertex )


vertex - [in] position of the vertex in vertex list of the mesh.

iVertex - [out, retval] - Returned reference to IVertex interface, implemented by the vertex.


S_OK in case of success.

Retrieves reference to IVertex interface, implemented by the vertex identified by its position in vertex list of the mesh.

HRESULT GetSimplex(POSN simplex, ISimplex** iSimplex )


simplex - [in] position of the simplex in the simplex list of the mesh.

iSimplex - [out, retval] - Returned reference to ISimplex interface, implemented by the simplex.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

Retrieves reference to ISimplex interface, implemented by the vertex identified by its position in simplex list of the mesh.

HRESULT GetVertexPosition(IVertex* iVertex, POSN* position)


iVertex - [in] - Reference to IVertex interface, implemented by the vertex.

position - [out, retval] - Returned  position of the vertex in the vertex list of the mesh.


Retrieves position of a vertex in vertex list of the mesh.

HRESULT GetSimplexPosition(ISimplex* simplex, POSN* position)


simplex - [in] - Reference to ISimplex interface, implemented by the simplex.

position - [out, retval] - Returned  position of the simplex in the simplex list of the mesh.


Retrieves position of a simplex in simplex list of the mesh.

HRESULT Upgrade()


Generates incidence information which allows traversing from a simplex or vertex to its adjacent simplex, vertex or edge elements. This operation is relatively expensive computationally and consumers significant amount of additional memory for large meshes. A mesh must be in upgraded state to be able to obtain ISimplexEx_KC, IVertexEx_KC and IEdge_KC interfaces. It is recommended to call the Dongrade() method below once the incidence information is no longer needed.

It is not an error to call this method in already upgraded state, in which case the method exits without repeating the operation.

HRESULT IsUpgraded(VARIANT_BOOL* upgraded)


upgraded - [out, retval] - Returns the current upgrade state of the mesh. See remarks for the Upgrade methog above.

HRESULT Downgrade()


Cleares all incidence information and releases all related resources. See remarks for the Upgrade methog above.

It is not an error to call this method in already downgraded state, in which case the method exits without any action.

HRESULT IsClosedSurface(VARIANT_BOOL* closed)


closed - [out, retval] - True if the mesh forms a closed surface and represents a solid object.

HRESULT Extract(IObjectOriented* proximity, int elements, VARIANT_BOOL move, VARIANT_BOOL replicate, IMesh* iMeshExtracted, IRefMap_KC** map)


proximity - [in] - Sphere or box which defines the area to be extracted from this mesh

elements - [in] - Flags. Must be 4 in this version. Extracts flagged elements 1<<dim, where dim is 0 for verticies, 1 for segment and 2 for simplexes

move - [in] - If true the elemets inside proximity are removed from this mesh

replicate - [in] - If false the extracted elements will be shared by both meshes. True is the recommended value if move is false

iMeshExtracted - [in] - The mesh, which will contain the extracted elements. Must be supplied by the caller. See remarks

map - [in] - Ignored in this release. Has to be null


Extracts elements of this mesh (The mesh which implements this interface) which are located inside proximity into iMeshExtracted

This method is indended for reducing large meshes for analysis of some problems. For performance only simplexes which have at least one vertex inside the proximity is extracted. This mean that some simplexes near the surface of proximity may not be included even if its internal part intersects with the proximilty. An extracted simplex is added whole to iMeshExtracted without clipping. Contact us to request a different algorithm

iMeshExtracted must be supplied by the caller. It can be either created new (with a IDIObjGenerator.Create*(EObjectType.eObjTypeMesh)) or obtained in other way (queried from ISection of a mesh entity, etc)

The extracted elements are added to iMeshExtracted without clearing its previous content. So iMeshExtracted can be used to collect elements form several meshes

The map parameter is supposed to contain a map of list of simplexes of this and of iMeshExtracted. For a position of a simplex in this mesh the map will be able to return its position (or position of its replica) in the extracted mesh. This feature is not implemented in this release. map is assumed to be null. Contact us to request this functionality

This mesh is assumed to be constructed in global axes

See also Mesh Ops sample

HRESULT Extract2(IFrame* frameOfThis, IObjectOriented* proximity, int elements, VARIANT_BOOL move, VARIANT_BOOL replicate, IMeshT* iMeshExtracted, IRefMap_KC** map)


frameOfThis - [in] - Frame, where this mesh is relative to

proximity - [in] - Sphere or box which defines the area to be extracted from this mesh

elements - [in] - Flags. Must be 4 in this version. Extracts flagged elements 1<<dim, where dim is 0 for verticies, 1 for segment and 2 for simplexes

move - [in] - If true the elemets inside proximity are removed from this mesh

replicate - [in] - If false the extracted elements will be shared by both meshes. True is the recommended value if move is false

iMeshExtracted - [in] - The mesh, which will contain the extracted elements. Must be supplied by the caller. See remarks

map - [in] - Ignored in this release. Has to be null


frameOfThis defines the axes coordinates of all elements are relative to. When this mesh is mesh of a entity (queried form ISection), frame of the entity is the recommended value for the parameter. All other parameters and behaviour are analogous to the Extract() method above

See also Mesh Ops sample

HRESULT Merge(IMesh* iMesh, int elements, VARIANT_BOOL move, VARIANT_BOOL replicate, IRefMap_KC** map)


iMesh - [in] - The mesh to be merged into this

elements - [in] - Flags. Bit 0 - verticies, bit 1 - segments, bit 2 - simplexes. Value of 4 is the most common case

move - [in] - If true the elemets inside proximity are removed from iMesh

replicate - [in] - If false the extracted elements will be shared by both meshes. True is the recommended value if move is false

map - [in] - Ignored in this release. Has to be null


Adds all elements of the specified type from iMesh into this mesh (The mesh which implements this interface)

The map parameter is supposed to contain a map of list of simplexes of this and of iMesh. For a position of a simplex in this mesh the map will be able to return its position (or position of its replica) in iMesh. This feature is not implemented in this release. map is assumed to be null. Contact us to request this functionality

This method requires a call to IModel.Update() or DG Kernel.UpdateSurface() for changes to appear in 3D view

HRESULT SplitLinkedComponents(IArray2** components, IRefMap_KC** map, VARIANT_BOOL* found)


components - [out] - If not null before the call, the variable will contain returned components of the mesh. Elements have type IMesh*

map - [out] - null or a reference to variable which will contain map of new component to the original mesh

found - [out, retval] - The returned value. False is the mesh consists of a single linked piece or is empty


If there any disjoined pieces in the mesh where this interface was queried form the method will create a new set of meshes which are clones of each linked piece. The components array will contain at least one element of type IMesh* even if this mesh (from which this interface was queried from) is empty

If map is not null after the call it will contain a map of simplexes of this and all of the components: If pos is a position of a simplex in a component from the components array, map.Lookup(pos, value) will return position of the correspondent simplex in the original (this) mesh (simplex which was cloned to create the simplex at pos)

Notice that the map, if requested, allocates significant amount of memory

See the Tools menu handler in Data Flow sample (C++ and C#) for an example

HRESULT Refine(EMeshRefineType type)

Makes the mesh more smooth and dense. See MeshOps sample

HRESULT SmoothLaplacian(int steps)

Applies Laplacian Smoothing steps times to the mesh.

See MeshOps sample