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IView Interface


IView interface gives access to viewing properties of the control as well as access to ILook interface, which can be queried from IView. IView manages rendering properties which are independent of the current model and its geometry. IView can be obtained from the DG Kernel Control using a call to GetView method 

See also Concepts of 3D Graphics, Modal View Sample, Interface List

HRESULT GetModel( IModel **ppIModel )


ppIModel- [out] pointer to an variable of type IModel which will receive the interface.


S_OK in case of success.

HRESULT GetGlobalAxesFlag( bool *pbShow)


pbShow - [out] pointer to a Boolean variable, which will be set to true if global axes are currently displayed

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

HRESULT ShowGlobalAxes( bool bShow)


bShow - [in] if true global axes will be drawn 

S_OK in case of success.

HRESULT GetBackColor( long *plCOLORREF )


plCOLORREF - [out] pointer to a variable of type long (unsigned 32-bit integer), which will receive COLORREF value of the current background color

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

This property determines background color of the control window. Value of the property need to be cast to COLORREF standard C++/VB data type to use. A call to this method is equivalent to retrieving value of  DIBackColor property of the control.

HRESULT SetBackColor( long lCOLORREF )


lCOLORREF - [in] new COLORREF value for the background color

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

This property determines background color of the control window. Value of the property need to be cast to COLORREF standard C++/VB data type to use. A call to this method is equivalent to setting value of  DIBackColor property of the control.

HRESULT GetRenderType( int *pnType )


lpnType - [out] pointer to an integer variable, which will be set to 1 if control is displaying a surface or 2 if the control is in wire frame drawing mode.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

Call to determine at runtime rendering type of the control. There are currently two possible values for the render type of the control: 1 if control is displaying a surface or 2 if the control is in wire frame drawing mode. A call to this method is equivalent to retrieving value of  RenederSolid property of the control.

HRESULT SetRenderType( int nType )


nType  - [in] New render type. If nType equals to 1 the control will be displaying surfaces. if nType equals to 2 the control will display wireframes.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.

DISP_E_BADINDEX - if nType is neither 1 nor 2.. 

Call this method to change display type of the control. A call to this method is equivalent to setting value of  RenederSolid property of the control.

HRESULT Update()

Redraws the view.

HRESULT Enable( int nFlags, VARIANT_BOOL bEnable )


nFlags - [in] flags indicating the functionality to enable or disable. See remarks.

bEnable - [in] . The functionality will be enabled (default) if this parameter is true and disabled otherwise.


S_OK in case of success.


nFlags parameter can be one of  EEnableBit members: EEnableBit.eEnablePan ( value=1 ), EEnableBit.eEnableZoom (value = 2), EEnableBit.eEnableRotate (value=4), EEnableBit.eEnableHighLightSurface (value=512), EEnableBit.eEnableTransparency (value=1024) or OR-ed combination of them. .

Using this method with the first three values of the nFlags allows disabling of Pan/Zoom/Rotate viewing manipulations performed on mouse movements. EEnableBit.eEnableHighLightSurface flags enables or disables highlighting the current object in "Modify" mode (See IViewModal and IModel2)). 

EEnableBit.eEnableTransparency (value=1024) enables rendering of objects with alpha material color component < 1 as transparent

EEnableBit.eEnablePerspectiveProjection (value=2048) changes view to prospective mode, where objects, which are further from the viewer appear smaller on the screen. Prospective mode is recommended for viewing only and is not fully supported in this release. Contact us for more information.

EEnableBEEnableBit.eEnableNormals (value=4096)  turns on / off visibility on normals in the 3D view

HRESULT GetEnableFlag( int nFlag, VARIANT_BOOL *pbEnable )


nFlag - [in] flag to retrieve.

pbEnable - [out] pointer to a Boolean variable, which will be set to true if the flag is enabled and false otherwise.

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.
This method returns the current value of the flag. See remarks for the previous method.



redraw - [in] if false the control's window will not be redrawn. 

Return Values

S_OK in case of success.


This method resets zoom of the view to fit the model into the window and sets point of view to default. The method can be used to programmatically restore initial zoom and orientation after extensive viewing transformations. It is also useful to fit model into the view when size of the model has been changed programmatically. redraw parameter can be used to avoid flickering before some programmatic manipulations of the view.

HRESULT ResetEx(EViewReset action)


action - [in] Type of reset to perform


When action is eViewResetAll the result is equivalent to call Reset(false) of the previous method.

When action is eViewResetVolume the model will be refit into the window to be fully visible as if on the start of the application, but its current orientation will be preserved.

In more technical terms it means that only Viewing Volume will be modified to center it around the model. Position and orientation of Global and Eye frames will remain unchanged.

HRESULT GetViewType(int *type)


type - [out, retval] Current type of the view. Possible return values are enumerated in EViewType enumeration


Returns the current type of the view. Possible types are enumerated in EViewType enumeration

HRESULT SetViewType(int type)


type - [in] Type of view to activate. Possible types are enumerated in EViewType enumeration


This method is not supported in this version

HRESULT AddExternalModel(IModel *model)


model - [in] IModel implemented by an external model. See remarks.


The method attaches model as an external model to the component which implements this interface. When there is one or more external models attached to the component where this IView2 was queried from on every UpdateSurface call all objects of all external models are replicated and the new copies are added to the main model of the component, which is the model returned by GetModel() method. The replicas added by the pervious call to UpdateSurface are removed before the operation.

The above mechanism allows incorporating model loaded / created independently of the current component or creating multiple views of the same model probably with different display type or point of view.

Note that objects of the external models are. added "By Value", which means that any modifications made to the external model appear in this component only after an UpdateSurface call, not automatically.



Shows or hides all items in the model

HRESULT GoTo(IItem* iObject)


Performs pan and zoom as necessary to focus on the object ( more precisely to fit the object in the window with default margins). Orientation of the view remains the same

HRESULT GetGraphicItem(IObject_KC* object, IGraphicItem** item)

Creates a graphic item for the object and attaches this view to it

HRESULT GetProjectionType(int* type)

Call to query whether the projection is orthographic or perspective. Returns one of values enumerated by E3DViewProjectionType

HRESULT SetProjectionType(int type)

Call to set the projection type to orthographic or perspective. Acceptable values are enumerated by E3DViewProjectionType