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Data Flow Visual Basic .NET Sample



Save / Load Operations

OnFileOpen() and  OnFileSaveAs() handlers of DataFlowForm implement the load and save operations.

The Boolean members of DataFlowForm keep the current options for the save / load STL operations. VRML and GLM file formats do not require any additional parameters for load/save operations.

The options can be modified by the DataFlowForm.OnOptions() handler of the Tools > Options command. Only the Binary/ASCII STL option is used during saving all other options are used during loading operation.

If the "Use Defaults For All Options" option, stored in m_bAllDefaults variable, was selected, OnFileOpen() and  OnFileSaveAs() handlers use simple ModelPath property to persist the model. Otherwise IModelEx.LoadEx() and IModelEx.SaveEx() are used. The selected options are transferred to the component via methods of ISTLDataContext queried from IModelEx with the

Dim iSTLOptions As ISTLDataContext = iModelEx

KernCADLib library

Solution  of the sample consists of two projects: The DataFlow Windows Form application and KernCADLib class library. Source code for KernCADLib project is located in Samples\NET\C#\KernCADLib folder. Notice the KernCADnet refernce added to the KernCADLib project via Project > Add Reference > COM Tab > DG Kernel .NET Enterprise options of Microsoft Visual Studio. Notice also that DataFlow project is depenedent on KernCADLib, which is set via Project > Project Dependencies Visual Studio menu option.

KernCADLib project is added mostly to demonstrate how DG Kernel can be used without any GUI window to perform common operations in a shared library. It consist of a single ModelManager class, which loads objects from a file and adds them to an existent model

Additional Operations

Loading and saving of STL directories is performed by OnSTLDirectoryLoad() and OnSTLDirectorySave() handlers in similar fashion. See comments in the source code for more details

File > Import Object menu option is handled by DataFlowForm.OnImportObjects(), which calls ImportObjects() method of ModelManager class of KernCADLib library. Notice also the Imports KernCADLib  directive at the top of the  DataFlowForm.vb file