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Point of View Sample

Point Of View sample demonstrates usage and programming of View Points. Source Files for the sample are located in Samples\VC\PointOfView folder of the installation directory.

The application

By default the application loads Samples\PointOfView.mdg model, which is a modification of Cow.mdg model and consists of two objects and has three predefined View Points, the first of which is the default view point.

The application has two modes: Stored and Transient to handle Persistent and Transient View Points respectively. The mode is displayed and can be changed in the "View Point Type" group.

View Points list box displays available persistent view points.

In Stored mode "Add Current" button creates a new view point which will keep the current configuration of view.

In Transient mode the same button, which will be renamed to "Store Current" stores the current configuration of view in the Transient View Point of DG Kernel View.

Selected View Point group displays actions and properties for the view point selected in the list (Stored mode) or of the Transient View Point (Transient mode).

Activate button restores configuration of view stored in the selected view point.

Make Default button (Stored mode only) toggles Default property of the selected view point.

The selected view point can be renamed.

"View Point" check box is the Show group will display Viewing Volume of the view point with a blue wire frame box. Zoom out to see the box.

"Frame" check box is the Show group will display location and orientation of local frame of the view point

File menu allows loading and saving models, which makes this sample fully functional view point array editor. It can be used for example to quickly add a default view point to be displayed on load of any model.

View Point > Geometry submenu allows modification of location and direction of line of view for the selected view point.

View Point > Geometry > "Viewing Volume" dialogue displays dimensions of the Viewing Volume, which determines zoom. Only the first two components are modifiable.

View Point > Geometry > Direction allows editing direction of line of view. It can be done using rotations of the local frame of the view point. Note that functionality of the Rotation dialogue can be easily modified to include rotation around any axis, for example around the global y axis.

Delete command in View Point menu deletes the currently selected view point.

See also: Sample List.